Shilpa update
I saw her this afternoon and thought she looked pretty good and seemed in good spirits. She mentioned many times how thankful she is for this wonderful family we all share.
As of now, Shilpa is waiting to find out exactly what is wrong ( tests, bloodwork, the usual ) so I only know that there is some concern with her kidney function.
When I talked to her at lunch she said that she was staying till Tuesday... She is hoping that this will get her hubby and her MIL butts in gear. Please pray for her and her family. Her life is so stressfull because of what she is dealing with at home and right now she can use all of the lift/possitive vibe right now!
I missed something. What hospital is Shilpa in, and what is wrong? I feel so bad I missed this one.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

She is at St. Mary's in Langhorne. She has not been feeling well for awhile thinking it was her RA, but they found something with her kidney function. They are doing tests to find out what is going on.
She is at St. Mary's in Langhorne. She has not been feeling well for awhile thinking it was her RA, but they found something with her kidney function. They are doing tests to find out what is going on.