LVH support group and volunteers
I went to the support group last night and while the first couple were up speaking someone came up and said they need volunteers so I signed up. You will be there for new WLS patients and I am sure you can stay connected with them afterwards. I plan to make little cards with my phone number and emails once I am an approved volunteer to give to the patients I work with. It is a way to help give back and help them stay on track. My biggest encouragement to them is to come to support groups. I also will be using it to keep ME on track and get on a good exercise plan because I can't be a good advocate for them if I am not on point. I will provide more info when I have it if anyone wants it.
Sandra MY WL themed Blog: MA2JENNA

Please do look for me!! I raised my hand and was the 3rd volunteer to talk if they had time, but they did not have time. You know, when we spoke (hubby and I) at the July meeting I was looking at the couple who stood up and wondering about them getting together! Low and behold that month is when they did! How sweet is that for them. :) Where do you sit? I didn't see too many post ops there at all this time!
Sandra MY WL themed Blog: MA2JENNA

On October 1, 2010 at 8:29 PM Pacific Time, SPANKAROO wrote:
i need to get to a meeting but i have an evening class on wednesdays so earlesyt one i can make is the december one but ill be 1 day post opSandra MY WL themed Blog: MA2JENNA

Anyone can attend. You just have to sign up. Call 610-402-CARE and tell them you want to sign up for the October Weight Loss Surgery Support group. They mail you a confirmation letter. I know people have asked questions in the group before and stated they had their surgery elsewhere.
Sandra MY WL themed Blog: MA2JENNA