Saturday Roll Call
Ah, where is everyone? Guess you are all still sleeping or getting started on your day. Today finds me heading home to Pa., finally!!! Chicken pox's over, (still have fingers crossed that neither of the other two get them) I am dragging my sewing machine home so I can start on some Christmas projects, and a few little blankets for the critters at the ASPCA. Going to hit the flea market on the way home, picked up a couple tops there last week for 50 cents a piece, and some good embroidery thread at a really cheap price. (I use that to tie together fleece blankets that I am making for the childrens home in Tn.) Hope to get home in time to turn in some of the drugs that are outdated, and ones that I no longer need. (Thank You RNY) Maybe get to do some cooking and baking. Hope you all have a great day, and are able to get out and enjoy the weather outside.
Hugs Ena
(Paula good luck starting your training on Monday)
Hope you all have a GREAT Saturday!!!! :)
I was rudely woken up by my daughter texting me at least 6 times asking if she can use the laptop. Uh no.. if I am sleeping do NOT ask me if you can use it. Worse, she came in and took it without getting permission. See who has it now??? LOL!
She also got a new flute yesterday and is very excited about learning how to play it. I am also excited for her because it is a new interest and I used to play the flute so I will be able to help her once I remember where the notes are. Only problem is, she was playing it in the living room at 8:15am.. again.. NO.. told her there are hours of the day that it is acceptable and it must be done in her room ONLY. SIGH...
Anyway, enough *****ing.. I have a busy day coming up. I have to stop at the bowling alley up the street to put a deposit down on Siehara's birthday party. I also need to get a bridal shower card and some cash to stick in it. Then I need to go over to a church in Bethlehem to help set up for said bridal shower and then of course attend it. I made some cookies and a tray of lasagna to bring with because the girl in charge was doing everything and I felt really bad. I will have to leave there early so I can take Siehara to the babysitter and then get ready for tonight.
Bron is still super sick so he will not be going to dinner with me. That makes me sad, but he needs to get rest to get better and the rest of us don't need to get what he has. I have a friend trying to change plans to go with me, but I haven't gotten confirmation yet. Regardless of whether I have a date, I am going to dinner and dancing tonight with great friends! I am at that point where I don't feel like I need to have a date with me to feel like I am worth something!! It's going to be fun no matter what! Plus, I bought some great sling back peep toe red shoes that are IMO knock your socks off hot! Have to work it, baby!!
My plans changed quickly last night. I was originally going to do some volunteer work with the Special Olympics, but my son and I are now planning to watch the Phillies game tonight, in case they clinch it. So, I have to get some tidying done to prepare for his visit. Should be a fun night.
Hope everyone has fun, or something like that today.
Albert Schweitzer

Am up - going to get my nails done, picking up cufflinks for Mark (he lost the engraved ones I gave him for our wedding.. ugh.. yes - it has been THAT long since he wore cufflinks!), then home to pack up and head out for a night of fun, fun, fun!!!
I am officially on vacation now through the 4th - I go back to work on the 5th - have not had a whole week off in over two years! Yes, 2 years.. how bad is that! And you might say.. what about your surgery 9 months ago.. NO! I was not even off a full week then.. surgery on the 15th and I was back to work on the 21st!
We head to Portland Oregon on Monday - will tour the oregon coast, then to Mt. Ranier - staying at 5700 ft - doing some hiking - then on to Tacoma, then to Seattle.. am excited - it might be rainy - but I WON'T BE AT WORK so it will be wonderful :)
Ahhhhhh happy happy happy...
have a great day and a great weekend and a great week - I probably won't be in touch much this next week..
Thanks so much for coming! The birthday gifts will be put to good use!! Didn't get home until around 1:30. I had a scary experience on the way home which almost ended me up in the ER. Some idiot was in the right lane, slowed down then made a left(from the right hand lane) right in front of me! THANK G-D for AAA driving school. Drove defensively and came out ok just shaken up!!
Today I am taking Dee and her friend to the Franklin Institute for FREE museum day! Hopefully we will be able to find parking and be able to get in!! After that, I am going to bake a SF birthday cake for me and hubby!! Out to dinner (maybe) then to bed. Didn't get to bed until after 2am then awoken at 8:30 by the phone!! I know I am going to feel it later....
Have a great day!!
Good Morning Paula & PA:
Getting ready to cook breakfast for Gene and I.
My oldest daughter and her BF will be here approx 11am then we are all heading out to the Phila. Zoo for the afternoon. Bri wanted to go for her birthday which is coming up on the 29th.
I'm excited about going last time I was there my babies were 3 & 4, within the next two weeks both girls will have celebrated birthday's and be 30 & 31, where does time go?????? The youngest and her hubby were supposed to join us as well but my SIL had the opportunity to work so after being laid off for close to 2 years due to the economy downturn with construction this is a blessing that he's been called back to work and it might actually be steady this time around.
After the Zoo, will probably grab a bite to eat with the kids, then they'll head back to Jersey and Gene and I will head to the Neshaminy Mall. Gene needs a couple more pairs of pants, we got a coupon last weekend so might as well use it while said pants are still on sale.
Hope everyone has a great day....