Update on Me + Planned vs Actuals
You might have noticed that I have been MIA for a few days.
Saturday was crazy day -- food was ok, although could have planned better. Will do so.
Sunday ---birthday party/picnic. I brought some menu items that were good for me... including some canteloupe cubes. Bad news, I didn't get any canteloupe... good news.... the kids LOVED it! Plain old canteloupe cubes went like wildfire..... I did have small piece of birthday cake..... enjoyed begin outside in the park.....played ont he swingsets and tried to catch the bubbles we made.
Monday -- Tim had dental surgery.... things were unplanned, but not totally out of control.
Tuesday -- I had endoscope done on my pouchie....discovered my stoma is streched to 2 times siz it should be... so I basically have an esophogus with a tube attached to the end of it. No wonder I don't feel any restrictions..... Waiting fro surgeons office to call back to review options.
Back on track today......