Terrific Tuesday Roll Call
Today’s plan is not exciting - just work, hopefully a walk in the park at lunch, then home and the plan is for Mark and I to go for a bike ride and then finish planning the itinerary for our trip. Still don’t have hotel rooms or a car rental or a plan on what we are doing each day. As I am a project manager, all of my planning energies are spent at work and then I do not have any planning cells available for my personal life.
Nicole – put that gorgeous smile on your face today
Have a great day PA!
Nicole – put that gorgeous smile on your face today
Have a great day PA!
I am here at work today and wishing I was home today. I need to do a major purge of closets and get things organize yet never seem to have time at home to do so. Dennis and I agreed that we would get no more show tickets till the new year and we will try to keep the schedule free except of course for things already planned.
Last night I came home since my friends surgery was postponed till today and Den picked up mail at my aunt's so I didn't have to go. I came home watched tv then went to bed.
Today has me here at work then need to attempt to straighten up my downstairs tonight.
Have lots of things going on in my head that is taking me all over the emotion board and need to turn off the emotional eating. One thing I know negative people need to go!
Last night I came home since my friends surgery was postponed till today and Den picked up mail at my aunt's so I didn't have to go. I came home watched tv then went to bed.
Today has me here at work then need to attempt to straighten up my downstairs tonight.
Have lots of things going on in my head that is taking me all over the emotion board and need to turn off the emotional eating. One thing I know negative people need to go!
Good Morning Nicole and PA!
Nicole, hope you work through your difficulties! I think we are all struggling in one way or another. That is why we post here on OH! I am going through some personal issues myself right now. I know I have to make a move but am afraid to....
Last night was Back to School night at Dee's school. We met some of her teachers and the principal. Basically told them any problems with her to call me right away and it will be dealt with!! Also said that we are committed to working together to make sure Deanna has a great year. Yesterday she was tested for auditory processing. She has difficulty making connections and is easily distracted. Her kindergarten teacher suggested getting this testing done. Had to wait until she turned seven for this to be done. Hopefully we will get answers and what we can do to help her succeed. I am praying for that!!
Today is wor****il 3:30 then rehearsal from 5-8:30 so I won't get home until late :-(
Have a great day everyone!!
Nicole, hope you work through your difficulties! I think we are all struggling in one way or another. That is why we post here on OH! I am going through some personal issues myself right now. I know I have to make a move but am afraid to....
Last night was Back to School night at Dee's school. We met some of her teachers and the principal. Basically told them any problems with her to call me right away and it will be dealt with!! Also said that we are committed to working together to make sure Deanna has a great year. Yesterday she was tested for auditory processing. She has difficulty making connections and is easily distracted. Her kindergarten teacher suggested getting this testing done. Had to wait until she turned seven for this to be done. Hopefully we will get answers and what we can do to help her succeed. I am praying for that!!
Today is wor****il 3:30 then rehearsal from 5-8:30 so I won't get home until late :-(
Have a great day everyone!!
Jumping in a little late today. I have a head cold and scratchy throat, and didn't sleep well, so I slept a bit later than normal.
Working from home today and tomorrow, then in Philly Thursday and Friday. Lots to do to prepare for meetings on those days, plus a dinner where I have to schmooze a bit.
I heard from the job interview in FL, and I did not get the job. Mike thinks that I was probably overqualified. But know what? I am not sad about it. Taking that job would have meant some financial compromises we are better off without, and I really kinda sorta like having Mike around most of the time! I will keep my eyes open for other options, but for now I am settling down and settling in a bit. And if I moved, I couldn't come to Barix support, right?
Sounds like several of you are having challenges today. I wish you well!
Working from home today and tomorrow, then in Philly Thursday and Friday. Lots to do to prepare for meetings on those days, plus a dinner where I have to schmooze a bit.
I heard from the job interview in FL, and I did not get the job. Mike thinks that I was probably overqualified. But know what? I am not sad about it. Taking that job would have meant some financial compromises we are better off without, and I really kinda sorta like having Mike around most of the time! I will keep my eyes open for other options, but for now I am settling down and settling in a bit. And if I moved, I couldn't come to Barix support, right?
Sounds like several of you are having challenges today. I wish you well!
Good afternoon - I'm really late today - just got back from York taking my mom's ashes out to be buried with my dad. So now that's done and yes, it was very emotional. I guess it was the closure that got to me because she had been right down the road at the funeral home this whole time in her little urn, but as soon as I picked it up yesterday I started talking to her so I knew this was something I could not keep in my house. She's with dad now, where she belongs. Next thing is to get a marker or plaque for the site, which we will do sometime this fall.
Also dealing with a neighbor issue - I lived in a quad-house - attached to my neighbor by garages. Since Friday night her car has been gone and her dogs have been barking incessantly - they're locked in the garage with access to the mudroom from what we can tell by looking thru her garage window, but her car is not there, no lights have been on, and no one has been by to check on those poor dogs since at least Saturday. She has had some serious medical problems this past year - she's Type 1 diabetic - wears an insulin pump - is pretty much stone deaf - has one kidney - and God only knows what else. I'm thinking she had a doctor appt and had to be hositalized or something? So I'm trying to contact the township to see what they recommond - I am hesitant to contact 911 and run police out here just for the dogs, but being a dog person its killing me knowing hers are locked up in that hot garage. What to do?? I'm open to suggestions.
Other than that not much else going on. Back to work tomorrow - sister and bil are heading back to Florida - life goes on.
Also dealing with a neighbor issue - I lived in a quad-house - attached to my neighbor by garages. Since Friday night her car has been gone and her dogs have been barking incessantly - they're locked in the garage with access to the mudroom from what we can tell by looking thru her garage window, but her car is not there, no lights have been on, and no one has been by to check on those poor dogs since at least Saturday. She has had some serious medical problems this past year - she's Type 1 diabetic - wears an insulin pump - is pretty much stone deaf - has one kidney - and God only knows what else. I'm thinking she had a doctor appt and had to be hositalized or something? So I'm trying to contact the township to see what they recommond - I am hesitant to contact 911 and run police out here just for the dogs, but being a dog person its killing me knowing hers are locked up in that hot garage. What to do?? I'm open to suggestions.
Other than that not much else going on. Back to work tomorrow - sister and bil are heading back to Florida - life goes on.