Freaky Friday Roll Call
I am at wor****il 1 then off to get my iron infusion. I am hoping to get out of here on time so I can run into the dollar store quickly before my appt. Shouldn't be a problem since 2 of the sales people are off today. WE'll see! AFter the infusion just headed home to hang with Amelia. She was quite fussy yesterday and last night, hopefully she is in better spirits tonight!
Today has me working til 3:30. At lunch I am going to run over to Redner's to pick up peanut butter and that was stuff that helps chocolate form. Don't worry people I am not in a peanut butter crisis. I am just making peanut butter balls to bring to a get together I am going to. That way I can have them in a controlled environment and won't over-induldge. I am also hoping my friend can go get those tables for me today. He was not able to get his van yesterday and the manager at the store agreed to hold them one more day for me.
After work, I will make the peanut butter balls since I will be out of the house tonight and tomorrow for Yom Kippur.
Tonight there is the first service for Yom Kippur. It is called Kol Nidre and I can't remember the last time I was at a Kol Nidre service. I am actually looking forward to going tonight because other congregants have said that it is their favorite service of the year and I need to go as an adult to find out why they feel this way.
A brief definition of Kol Nidre is "The evening service that begins Yom Kippur is commonly known as Kol Nidre, named for the prayer that begins the service. "Kol nidre" means "all vows," and in this prayer, we ask G-d to annul all personal vows we may make in the next year. It refers only to vows between the person making them and G-d." And of course, a link for you if you want to read further:
There is a complete, 25-hour fast beginning before sunset tonight and ending after nightfall tomorrow. I will try hard to do this fast, but I know I will at least have water because of dehydration issues. I will spend tonight and all day tomorrow in synagogue praying and asking for forgiveness and to be written in the book of life for another year.
Today, I will make sure I stay hydrated and eat low-sodium foods in preparation for a long day tomorrow.
That's about it for me. I hope everyone has a good Friday.
I hope you are blessed by your time at services and fasting. I have never attempted a fast for spiritual reasons, just the ones for medical reasons. I guess if I can do it for the doctors, I should be able to do it for God. Never thought about that before.
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning everyone...
Today is going to be similar to everyday...LOL I am going to work, to the gym, home to get the kids from daycare and the evening will be with them. Well- it promises to be a little more hectic because my 14 year old is hanging with a friend- so we are losing our helper with the kids until mid day tomorrow. I think I am going to do 'land exercise' today- the pool was a lot harder then I remember. (GOSH I am out of shape!). The life guard kept looking at me- so I was thinking I must be doing so bad she thinks I am drowning- I don't know- maybe cause I am the new face there.
Still trying to cope with life issues (recovering spouse, dying parent, poor self image, adopted kids emotional issues, etc) without turning to food. I have to say carb withdrawal headaches are killer- and sometimes- I just have to have some carbs- Tylenol doesn't cut it. But I am trying to be much wiser in my choices. I already had noted my husband isn't real supportive- today- I asked him if my face looked thinner- he say 'yeah you can tell your losing weight- but your starving yourself'. Which I am not- I am just eating more like I am to be- using my tool instead of abusing my body. I heard someone mention peanut butter balls- I am horrible at making things- but every time I hear about them all I can think is YUM- pb is a weakness- I would ask for the recipe- but more then likely I have nothing that goes into it- like protein powder- never have been able to stomach the stuff. Anyways- hope everyone has a great day.
1 3/4 C peanut butter
1 stick butter-melted
1 box powdered sugar (equivalent amt of powdered malitol) I am going to check the box in the store today so I know how much I need
Mix together with hands and form into balls
mix 12 oz of SF chocolate chips together w/ 1/2 box paraffin and melt, stir.
Dip PB balls into choc, let cool
I did see something online using vanilla, so I will be waiting for your recipe, Liz. I think this is the one Nicole brought to your house.
Do you think adding the vanilla would be a good idea? I think it might add a slightly better taste to it. What do you think, master chef?

From what I know, you can only get powdered Malitol online. We order it from Netrition. It is brand name Sensato.