Freaky Friday Roll Call
Good Morning PA,
Most of my Thursday plans fell through, due to being overmedicated for pain. Thank God it was not a narcotic that I got overmedicated on. Pain docs had me taking something in a dose too high for daytime. Got it straightened out, but missed my Special Olympics Management Team meeting. L
Today is going to be insane with activities. Must pay bills, and get to the bank for a gift card for my niece’s birthday, and other things. Plus, I must make an AA meeting and get to the gym for a swim. The water is so helpful in getting rid of the muscle cramps and other aches, and the AA meeting is helpful in unscrambling my thinking, which is twisted lately.
I hope everyone has a safe Friday. When I walked Utley, it started to rain, and having forgotten my umbrella, I got wet.
Albert Schweitzer

I almost forgot. I have an appointment this morning with the Public School Employees Retirement System in order to get things started with my retirement. Shoot up a prayer that this meeting goes well.
Albert Schweitzer

I volunteered to work today. I need to get used to working everyday. Well, for three weeks anyway. I am being pulled in so many directions. I am trying to figure out what to do with my life and I am trying to knock on as many doors as I can.
I have an interview on Monday, but I think I am going to call and get more information about the job before I spend the gas and hour drive to get there. When reading the job description, it is basically two sentences long. I need more than that lol.
So, I so enjoy my quiet early mornings before everything wakes up. Well, you know what I mean. It is so peaceful.
Have a great Friday all!
I am back from vacation for a week and I've been so busy that I totally forgot that this past Wednesday was the Barix Support group meeting, duh. . . I thought it was next week, forgot that the 1st was a Wednesday, oh well. . .
Work has been extremely busy and I feel a little better about it these days as I really needed my vacation to chill out on that front. . .
Anyway, I just wanted to pop my head in here and say hi to you all.
Trish, hope your meeting with the Retirement Board goes well. . .
Take care, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
got to go to my little hole... aka my cube by the bathroom... omg boys are gross... anyways... at lunch I'm getting a bra fitting... and home and then getting ready to take the girls to hershey park... Annabelle's 2nd visit... she went this time last year... she was just a few days or weeks old... don't remember when we went in September lol...
If I paid 40 bucks a pop for all my kids plus Johnny and I, I would camp there regardless of the conditions.
My kids get the passes as part of their Christmas gift, and LOVE IT!
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
I am going to head off to school shortly - shape the minds of the teenagers in my midst and then head home immediately after school. Will have an early dinner and then head to services for Kol Nidre family services - the beginning of Yom Kippur. I will be fasting tonight and tomorrow. Should be interesting, because I am PMSing and am ready to eat everything you put in front of me! Oh well!
Have a great Friday all!
I hope your time at services and fasting blesses you. I told Lisa that I have never fasted for spiritual reasons, but have been successful in fasting for the surgeries I have had. That gives me something to think about for my spiritual life.
Albert Schweitzer