mini update on me
Quick run down on me...
Weight still stuck... and it seems stuck hard, so I do think my PCOS is back in full swing. I go in for my yearly girly visit in October (if I'm allowed off from work to do it) and the OBGYN said then we could talk about it... they wouldn't talk to me over the phone about it... all I want is carbs and the yucky hair is back on my arms which is a huge sign for me that it is back...
Barix won't call me back so I can get my yearly bloodwork done and since Boe pissed off my family doc so much in the past they won't do it either... and Brader doesn't take my insurance... so going to see if my OBGYN will run it...
I have had to give up on walking around the neighborhood because even just an 30 mins of it sends me in major pain in my feet and I have great walking shoes... when I have the extra money I will go see a foot doctor but right now I can't afford it or anything else he might want me to buy for my feet...
But, I am hoping to be able to get a gym membership to World's Gym for $20 a month... they open at 5am... so I could do it... only thing is the last 2 weeks has been crazy I don't think I have gotten more than 4 hours thanks to the little monsters (Lorelei and Annabelle)... Lore won't sleep in her room... so she is climb into our bed or pokes at me until me or Jeremy goes and sleeps in her room... and well Annabelle SNORES really loud lol... so I am wondering if I can get myself up at 4:45 to workout at 5am to be back by 6 to shower and get the girls up at 6:15 to be out the door at 7... dear Lord I need a job closer to home... lol... but really... I do...
But hold some good thoughts for Lorelei... her left eye isn't improving sight wise... she did really awesome with her eye exam yesterday but she has to get a new lens for that eye... if that doesn't work then we will have to patch the good eye to force the bad eye to work... we are hoping that the new lens will work... we will have the new lens this coming Monday... so fingers crossed because miss thing already knows that she is different vs other kids her age (she has had glasses since she was 3 1/2)...
Hi Shannon,
It sounds like you are working very hard at finding balance for your life. Working Moms have it rough, I remember it well. Hang in there. The Munchkins you are raising will soon be in school, and you will have more time to juggle it all.
Albert Schweitzer