Motorcycle Accident - long
I chose to go to the Geisinger Bariatric Healthy Living Picnic today instaed of the zipline trip. I had been looking forwar to the picnic for over a year and felt the zipline was too dangerous. We were 4 miles from our home when I decided it was too cold, I was going to make a loop throught the Uni-mart and go home to get the car. When I was moving into the turning lane very slowly (~2 mph) my front tire slid on the cold wet tar strip on the road. I could feel the bike was going down. I yelled to Caleb "It's going down" & he did the right thing and pushed off on his pegs and got off the bike...litterally on his feet. I went down with it. I was able to pull my left leg up so I was only pinned from the knee down. A passerby called 911. 5 policemen showed up (It was shift change and the police station was 1 block away) Then 2 ambulances came. I went by ambulance to the ER because I was bleeding a lot from my chin & mouth. My head hit the pavement very hard. Yes I did have on an approved DOT helmet. I wi**** was a full-face one like my Mom said I sould have....the new one will be just that.
The good news is nothing is broken. Bruised & banged up left knee, sprained ankle with bruised bone, I have an ankle brace & crutches. 8 stitches in my chin and 8 stitches in my mouth to connect my inner lip to my gum line (it tore off from the impact)
Weird wows from today: A picnic is not necessarily safe:)
Only 2 EMTs were needed to get me on the gurney & in the ambulance
A regular size hospital gown felt big
I can actually use crutches now that I have lost so much weight.
In case you were wondering the bike is fine. Scratched chrome on clutch lever and mirror post. Nothing needs fixed at all...I said we were going slow.
Thanks for reading & say a prayer that I heal quickly. I thank God it wasn't worse and that Caleb was perfect. An angel was watching over him. I need to get out helmet shopping so I have one when I am released to ride again in about 1-2 weeks. Next time I am is safer :)
I have been at a stall...I am on a liquid diet until the inner lip stitches heal 5-10 days...that should break my stall...LOL
The good news is nothing is broken. Bruised & banged up left knee, sprained ankle with bruised bone, I have an ankle brace & crutches. 8 stitches in my chin and 8 stitches in my mouth to connect my inner lip to my gum line (it tore off from the impact)
Weird wows from today: A picnic is not necessarily safe:)
Only 2 EMTs were needed to get me on the gurney & in the ambulance
A regular size hospital gown felt big
I can actually use crutches now that I have lost so much weight.
In case you were wondering the bike is fine. Scratched chrome on clutch lever and mirror post. Nothing needs fixed at all...I said we were going slow.
Thanks for reading & say a prayer that I heal quickly. I thank God it wasn't worse and that Caleb was perfect. An angel was watching over him. I need to get out helmet shopping so I have one when I am released to ride again in about 1-2 weeks. Next time I am is safer :)
I have been at a stall...I am on a liquid diet until the inner lip stitches heal 5-10 days...that should break my stall...LOL
Omg....Chele and I were looking for you the whole time during the talk and looked for your son, we thought we wouldn't recogize you because of your weight loss.....I am so thankful that you both are ok....................praise take care and will see you somewhere else during our journey.........................x0x0x00x0x0
Wow Sara... SO glad you're both ok and have had some really positive things come out of this. For future reference, ziplining was amazing. The "danger" is of some bruises and rope burns, sure, but you're very securely strapped into harnesses with triple-redundancy built in, and nice secure helments. The hardest part was actually part of the hike down, not the ziplining!
Glad you are ok! My hubby is a biker and I HATE IT!! He was in a serious accident three years ago on his bike. Thank god only the bike was totalled. He had severe road rash and had to have surgery on his shoulder. Yes, he got another bike and a FULL face helmet....still not happy :-(
Take care and get better soon!!
Glad you are ok! My hubby is a biker and I HATE IT!! He was in a serious accident three years ago on his bike. Thank god only the bike was totalled. He had severe road rash and had to have surgery on his shoulder. Yes, he got another bike and a FULL face helmet....still not happy :-(
Take care and get better soon!!
I already knew this since you texted me. I'm so glad you were wearing a helmet and came out with only a little bit of injury. Also glad that Caleb knew exactly what to do and made it out without injury.
It's amazing the way you are coming out of this with the wow's!! That is awesome!!
And ziplining was, too.. and definitely seems to be safer!!
It's amazing the way you are coming out of this with the wow's!! That is awesome!!
And ziplining was, too.. and definitely seems to be safer!!