** Schlepping Sunday Roll Call **
I am about to leave my house - head to the market to pick up Challah and juice for the first day of Hebrew School, get over to the synagogue, finish setting up my room, meet the kids and "teach" Really it is a getting to know you ice breaker kind of morning. After Hebrew School, Emily has choir practice, then we are heading home to pick up some of Joshua's friends, take them to a pool party and then take Emily to her first soccer game/practice of the season, then need to get Joshua and his friends from the pool party - not sure of the timing of things this afternoon, so may TRY to get to a market between soccer and pool party - if not - after picking up the kids from the pool party - dropping the kids at my house and THEN heading to the market.
Should make for a VERY fun and exhausting day. Not sure about the whole food thing. I know there will be pizza for the kids during the choir practice. I am going to try and VERY quickly go put together something for lunch so as not to be tempted and then partake in the pizza.
I hope your Sunday is much more relaxed and pleasant than mine looks like it is going to be!
Good Morning Steffi & PA:
Today is Homecoming Sunday @ Church. 9:30am Prayer breakfast, 11am Service, 12pm Potluck luncheon - I made Banana Spice Cake w/Creamcheese Frosting a couple old recipes of my mom's that I've made WLS friendly and Roasted Veggies. 3pm there will be a concert featuring the churches organist on the beautiful organ. The organ in our church is a Muller Pipe Organ, beautiful, beautiful music from that organ is all I can say. I love listeining to the organ as well as our choir.
After church we'll go visit Gene's mom for a little bit, she is slated to be released from the nursing re-hab on Tuesday to come home. She will still have a sling on her arm but is determined she can come home and take care of herself. After visiting with mom will probably stop off at Whole Foods to pick up some supplies for the rest of the week. Then home to rest and get ready for work tomorrow.
Gene has been up since 4am working on his lecture for tomorrow nights class. Somewhere today there is a powerpoint that we will be creating from that lecture, not quite sure yet where that will fit into our day.
Hope everyone has a great day...
Started waking up hourly very early this morning. I haven't been sleeping well for weeks; I'm guessing it's stress about the job situation (as in 'lack of'). Anyway, it was pouring when I woke up. Made a pot of coffee (I love coffee but stopped drinking it years ago because it gave me heartburn, but I can drink it after my wls!) When Paul gets up, I'll probably make us eggs for breakfast, unless we decide to go out instead. Looks like it will be a day to stay inside and read.
Have a great day, folks!!! Peace, strength, and healing thoughts to those dealing with issues and 'boo-boos' (Sara, Nicole)!!
Ohhhh Sundays..just love em!! Today I actually have to head down to work and make an appearance at the pari****alian Festival ...then I am off to food shop andpick up some needed items for the week! And then I will come home and do my lesson plans for the first full week of school...
Oh and somewhere in there...I need to finish the laundry..lol
Hope everyone has a blissful Sunday!!
Much luv!
"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!
Got to Michigan just as the rains began, but Sarah and I took her kids out to my cousin's for an indoor picnic/party. I got to see some cousins that I had not seen in years, and my mom enjoyed the day too. Every year older that we get, it is more important to keep in touch. I am good at holiday cards, and facebook helps a lot, but in person is great.
AND....they were SO complimentary about how I look! No one knows I had surgery (still don't share that info), but they know I have been working really hard at it.
I did have a moment of temptation though - or old habits flaring up, when the desserts rolled out. I realized that I would have eaten cake, plus the extra frosting off the knife, plus some chocolates, plus pie...whatever. I would have taken it all in. At that moment, I went over and had a spoonful of salad.
Today I am seeing a dear friend for a latte and some catch up time at Starbucks, then will go over to my mom's.
Then back to Sarah's to play with the kids there for a while and plan to be up and out early in the a.m., heading back to PA.
Sounds like the rain has settled in for all of you but I can assure you, it's beautiful here today, so good weather awaits!
Not much on my agenda today. Woke up around 4:00'and never got back to sleep.
Well it's ball playing time with the dog. Stay dry everybody!!
Good Morning PA and Steffi,
Today is a quiet day for me so far. My Saturday was pretty ugly emotionally, but my sponsor helped me get out of my funk. I love her and am so grateful she is in my life right now.
I overslept and missed church this morning. I have not done well with getting there, between my physical health and my emotional health, it has been a while.
Today is supposed to be the Italian Festival in Bristol, but that is iffy, due to the rain. While walking Utley, I passed by the Firehouse down the street and they are unsure if the festival will take place as well. I love going there, and breaking my diet for an Italian Sausage sandwich with peppers and onions, where I barely touch the bread.
Other than knitting that baby blanket, as the baby was not born as of yesterday, I will try to haul my butt to a meeting again. I have made one two days in a row, and find it helpful.
Albert Schweitzer

I got up this morning and went to pilates. It felt sooooo good to stretch out after yesterday's activities. My ripped up finger is hurting a lot, but I had it covered and clean all night yesterday and this morning. Right now, I am trying to air it out, but I think I'm going to need to cover it up again. OWIEEEE
Anyway, went to Walmart to pick up a few things. Now, I am just catching up on my DVR recordings and uploading my pix from yesterday to FB. I plan to hang around the house today doing a bit of cleaning and cooking, but mostly just relaxing. It's nice to actually be able to do that every now and then.