WLS and work interference
OK you guys have been excellent with giving me advice on so many things. I would be lost without you all. I have a situation and I don't know how to handle it. I drive special need kids to school and I usually work 8 hours a day. We are not allowed to drink or eat and I only have 10 minutes in the morning to come home before I go back out again for the rest of the day. I am NOT getting my drinks in at all and I try to eat something when I get home for the 10 short minutes that I have. Then when I get home for the evening all I want to do is eat. I am so off track and I have no ideas on how to change my problem. I love my job but it's not fitting into my wls needs. My hubby told me to go talk to the boss and tell them I need to eat and drink on the bus, but I know they will say no because it's not fair to the other drivers. Any ideas?
Thanks for being so wonderful and since it is the weekend, I am eating and drinking the way I should be.
You could also try talking to them and finding out what their specific concerns are-- spilling, diverted attention, etc. and see if they are willing to negotiate some time in for you. I.e. if you are picking up students, do you have 5 minutes, where you can step outside and drink/eat?
Good luck!

But...I agree that you should have a medical letter on file. A couple of other suggestions:
Drink lots before you go to work. If I have a protein shake and a glass of water in the morning with my vitamins, I know I am 20-24 oz. into the day. Of courese you can't go all day without replenishing, but it helps to get a good start.
Cut a protein bar into bite size pieces and put into a ziploc bag. You could put one in your mouth every so often as if it were a breath mint or something, very unobtrusively. Or do the same with a cheese stick. Again, it's not a total solution, but it may help.
If not, I'd definately start doing a protein shake in the morning.
I liked the ideas of cutting up a protein bar and keeping it in a ziplock bag and popping a piece here or there. It might be leading to "grazing" behaviors...but whatever it takes at this point.
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