***Thursday Roll Call***
So go figure...I post about not having time at work to post, and now two nights in a row, I actually do. I must study for the damn test...just don't feel like it...so I'm procrastinating lol
Today after work is most likely the gym
Running to the store for literally 2 things then home.
Packing up food for work and hopefully will be in bed freaking early. I want to get a good amount of sleep in today as tonight at work promises to be a B*&%H. We are "under numbers" (ie short staffed) by anywhere betwen 4-6 nurses all night. Oy! NOT gonna be fun.
Obviously, back to work tonight. Last one until Sunday night, wahoo, and that one is only 4 hours!! Dbl Wahoo!

Good Morning Pam.
I am finally having a slow moment at work. Things were crazy all night. One more night for me then I have off for 5 days. So in the words of Pam, Wahoo!
Today is Johnny's 40th birthday. so I hope to sleep very soundly today so this evening we can hang with the kids. I will be making his favorite dinner. Delmonicos on the grill, crab cakes, Parm-Garlic Brussell Sprouts and Oven roasted Red potatoes. Yummmmmmm
Hope everyone enjoys their day!
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
My night went fine except I had 2 cancelations that screwed my night up because they were my private pay cash people. Damn. Oh well.
Today I am at wor****il 2pm. Have a session with my own therapist, yes i do have one. I would go nuts if I didn't. Then Jason and I have been invited to Opening Night of Spamalot at the Fulton Theater and to the afterparty. I am excited to see the show and very excited about the afterparty :)
Hope you all have a good day, And no doubt my post tomorrow will be that iw as late for work because i overslept from partying too hard on a school night. Speaking of parties anyone want to go to a jewelry party with me friday night?
After reading your post I called the box office and we are good to go for next weekend.
Wow, I am beat. 14 hour work day again yesterday and today is the real killer of a day to convert my project over to production. I hope I have the strength. I will be relieved if we can get this done by end of day Friday, otherwise I am stuck working on the weekend. :-(
7 months I have been working on this project. I sure hope it goes smooth.
Jo--happy birthday to Johnny! Dinner sounds delish!
Nic-enjoy the show. I hear it's great!!
As for me, today is the first day of the Jewish New Year. I have to be at the synagogue at 9. I originally was getting there at 9 to meet the babysitters, but then I remembered I have to be there at 9 to usher. This means stand in one spot greeting people as they come in, letting them know what page we are on, and making sure they are quiet and don't enter the sanctuary when they are not supposed to. Trust me, the people getting there at 9 are not the ones we need to be concerned about. They are the ones who are SERIOUS about their praying. LOL
This afternoon, Siehara has an appointment with the allergist to see how everything is working out for her. Things are good, so the appointment should be fine.
We have to stop at the drug store at some point to refill her prescriptions today, too.
Tonight, we are going to the Caines for dinner. Other friends of ours will be there, too, so it will be really nice to spend time with all of them.
Home to bed, then up again tomorrow to do services all over again.
Hope everyone has a great day and Happy New Year to the Jew Crew!