***Freakin' Friday Roll Call***
Good morning PA! I haven't checked in regularly at all lately and want to get back on the beam here!
Today is the job Interview, so I am checking in from FL, where it looks to be a humid summer day. Arrived yesterday with time to do some prep...
To go to a bariatric support meeting! Interesting because the meeting is not open as the Barix meetings are. To attend, I had to call for permission, and would need to sign on with this surgeon if I make the move to FL. On the good side, people really spoke highly of the practice and e pre/post op programs. The meeting was facilitated by a mental health counselor who specializes in addiction. Interesting, huh? But...there wasn't the energy and FUN that we have at Barix.
Ok, I'm going to keep ip with the interview prep and do some work before changing I to the dress up clothes! Wish me luck!
Today is the job Interview, so I am checking in from FL, where it looks to be a humid summer day. Arrived yesterday with time to do some prep...
To go to a bariatric support meeting! Interesting because the meeting is not open as the Barix meetings are. To attend, I had to call for permission, and would need to sign on with this surgeon if I make the move to FL. On the good side, people really spoke highly of the practice and e pre/post op programs. The meeting was facilitated by a mental health counselor who specializes in addiction. Interesting, huh? But...there wasn't the energy and FUN that we have at Barix.
Ok, I'm going to keep ip with the interview prep and do some work before changing I to the dress up clothes! Wish me luck!
Good morning!!
I am at work getting ready for the lil cherubs to come in...working till noon then heading home to try to figure out how to put my new bed together!! LOL That should be fun!
Other than that not much else on the agenda...will prob just run some errands and then relax for the evening...no big plans...
Hope everyone has a Fantastic Friday!!
Much luv!
"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!
Good morning all - sounds like a lot of you have a fun day planned - enjoy the beautiful weather!
I'm at work - hubby and the dog were sleeping soundly when I left. Should be a quiet day in the office - we're doing a pizza lunch today - normally my co-workers always just eat in their offices - some may walk or something but we only get together as a group when there is a group lunch planned, so that will be nice.
So far not much in store for the weekend - hubby is on me to not do anything this weekend and rest my left arm to see if that helps relieve some of the pain I've been having. I just want it to go away (the pain, not the arm!!). LOL!!
Oh I did ask my nephew to get my bicycle out today and clean it up, check the tires and get it ready for me to ride tomorrow. I haven't been on it all summer - part of it is a mental thing, I think, because it was my last birthday gift from my mom and I get kind of sappy and teary-eyed every time I think of that. But with the cooler weather I am really anxious to get on it and ride - plus the fact that my jeans were a tad snug this morning and that is NOT a good sign...so I need to kick my rear in gear and get back to better eating and exercising.
I'm at work - hubby and the dog were sleeping soundly when I left. Should be a quiet day in the office - we're doing a pizza lunch today - normally my co-workers always just eat in their offices - some may walk or something but we only get together as a group when there is a group lunch planned, so that will be nice.
So far not much in store for the weekend - hubby is on me to not do anything this weekend and rest my left arm to see if that helps relieve some of the pain I've been having. I just want it to go away (the pain, not the arm!!). LOL!!
Oh I did ask my nephew to get my bicycle out today and clean it up, check the tires and get it ready for me to ride tomorrow. I haven't been on it all summer - part of it is a mental thing, I think, because it was my last birthday gift from my mom and I get kind of sappy and teary-eyed every time I think of that. But with the cooler weather I am really anxious to get on it and ride - plus the fact that my jeans were a tad snug this morning and that is NOT a good sign...so I need to kick my rear in gear and get back to better eating and exercising.
Happy Friday Eric and PA... it's the Jewish New Year.. days of reflecting on the past year and asking to be put into the book of life for the next year. It also means days spent sitting in synagogue praying and listening to 30 minute sermons from the Rabbi. AHHHH the joy.. LOL
Today has me going back to synagogue for said services and sermons. After services, Siehara and I were invited to one of our congregant's house for lunch so we will head there. She is a WLS patient who unfortunately did NOT benefit from the surgery. She lost some weight in the beginning, but was able to tolerate all foods and never changed her habits.
She gained her weight back and possibly more and can't seem to wrap her head around the fact that she can retrain her brain and her pouch. I feel bad for her, but until she's ready, nothing will change. I also try to look at her and remember that it is not a foolproof surgery and it is only a tool. I need to get my brain back in the game because I have been out of the game with my food. SIGH... I'm not sure what else it's going to take to get my head back. Maybe it's time to go back to counseling.
Anyway, maybe I'll reflect on that during services today and see what I can come up with.
Tonight, we are going to a Tastefully Simple party and coming home at a decent hour so we, well I, can be wide awake for ziplining tomorrow!!
Today has me going back to synagogue for said services and sermons. After services, Siehara and I were invited to one of our congregant's house for lunch so we will head there. She is a WLS patient who unfortunately did NOT benefit from the surgery. She lost some weight in the beginning, but was able to tolerate all foods and never changed her habits.
She gained her weight back and possibly more and can't seem to wrap her head around the fact that she can retrain her brain and her pouch. I feel bad for her, but until she's ready, nothing will change. I also try to look at her and remember that it is not a foolproof surgery and it is only a tool. I need to get my brain back in the game because I have been out of the game with my food. SIGH... I'm not sure what else it's going to take to get my head back. Maybe it's time to go back to counseling.
Anyway, maybe I'll reflect on that during services today and see what I can come up with.
Tonight, we are going to a Tastefully Simple party and coming home at a decent hour so we, well I, can be wide awake for ziplining tomorrow!!
Good morning, all!!
ETA: Happy birthday, Eric!!!
Loving these cool mornings!!! Makes me a little sad, though, knowing that fall is coming, with shorter days and all.
Not sure what's on the agenda for today. Maybe some beach time, if the flies aren't still biting. Flies were horrible yesterday, drawing blood. Lots of butterflies on the beach this week, which is really fun to watch. We may do some metal detecting during low tide this afternoon. (My haul yesterday? A twist tie, a bottle cap, tab from a can, and a penny. Yeah, this ain't going so great! lol)
Have a wonderful day, my friends!!!
ETA: Happy birthday, Eric!!!

Loving these cool mornings!!! Makes me a little sad, though, knowing that fall is coming, with shorter days and all.
Not sure what's on the agenda for today. Maybe some beach time, if the flies aren't still biting. Flies were horrible yesterday, drawing blood. Lots of butterflies on the beach this week, which is really fun to watch. We may do some metal detecting during low tide this afternoon. (My haul yesterday? A twist tie, a bottle cap, tab from a can, and a penny. Yeah, this ain't going so great! lol)
Have a wonderful day, my friends!!!
@Julia - I'm guessing metal detecting isn't a way to make an income.
dually noted. I'll check that off the possibilities list.
Happy New Year to all that this applies to...I too, have NO idea. But, I do feel like I'm missing out on a lot of holiday possibilities!
Well, the hamster was located and removed and I'm so sad. I don't have a lot of "death practice", if you will. Anytime so much as a goldfish dies I have serious mourning issues. This hamster thing makes me feel like such a failure! But, the house smells better. I even lost a little weight from not eating normally yesterday. Back to the grindstone today.
My oldest is off cheering at a football game tonight. The 2nd oldest has a dance and a sleepover. The girls are coming here to get ready. I LOVE that part! Then I'll take them and they'll go to another friends for the sleepover. My youngest 2 and I have a date for some snuggling tonight. That's the first thing they asked me when they opened their lil peepers this morning. "Is THIS the day we get to snuggle at night?" Quick explanation...They've been sleeping in my bed for over 2 years. Now that they're "big girls" they have to sleep in their bed on school nights. "No school nights" are for snuggling and falling asleep in my bed. It's the highlight of the week apparently.
Everyone have a great day! TGIF!!!

Happy New Year to all that this applies to...I too, have NO idea. But, I do feel like I'm missing out on a lot of holiday possibilities!
Well, the hamster was located and removed and I'm so sad. I don't have a lot of "death practice", if you will. Anytime so much as a goldfish dies I have serious mourning issues. This hamster thing makes me feel like such a failure! But, the house smells better. I even lost a little weight from not eating normally yesterday. Back to the grindstone today.
My oldest is off cheering at a football game tonight. The 2nd oldest has a dance and a sleepover. The girls are coming here to get ready. I LOVE that part! Then I'll take them and they'll go to another friends for the sleepover. My youngest 2 and I have a date for some snuggling tonight. That's the first thing they asked me when they opened their lil peepers this morning. "Is THIS the day we get to snuggle at night?" Quick explanation...They've been sleeping in my bed for over 2 years. Now that they're "big girls" they have to sleep in their bed on school nights. "No school nights" are for snuggling and falling asleep in my bed. It's the highlight of the week apparently.

Everyone have a great day! TGIF!!!
Nope, not a way to make a living. Although my beau has started finding jewelry. His first find? An Avon ring. lol He found a diamond ring, though, on Labor Day! With a ring guard, it fits me perfectly!!! 
I get the mourning thing. I cried when Fishstick died. (He---she?---was my most awesome golfish that I had for 3 years.) Yeah, I'm a big dope!

I get the mourning thing. I cried when Fishstick died. (He---she?---was my most awesome golfish that I had for 3 years.) Yeah, I'm a big dope!