Happy New Year....
to all those who are Jewish. L'shova Tova. I apologize if I misspelled this. Just wanted all of you to know that I hope that the beginning of the High Holy Days will be a time of great reflection, healing and celebrating of the new you that you have become. Know that this Catholic school teacher is thinking very fondly of all of you - Steffi, Brenda, Beth V., Lisa - they are the names that I think of off the top of my head. Sorry if I forgot anyone. Please don't kvetch or kvell about me
Not too good on the Yiddish or Hebrew. Shalom everyone. Take care.

Thanks so much Donna! To remember our high holy days is enough for me....
I will kvell that you are good friend!!
Shalom and L'Shana Tova to all of the "Jew Crew" out there!!
Love and best wishes, Beth
I will kvell that you are good friend!!
Shalom and L'Shana Tova to all of the "Jew Crew" out there!!
Love and best wishes, Beth