Pain Aids
OK, I know we're not supposed to take anything other than Tylenol and OTC stuff like that, but honestly it is not doing a stinking thing to help with the pain in my left arm, and short of taking something at the opposite end of the spectrum (like Vicadin) is there anything else we can take? I used to take Advil for my years (pre-op RNY of course) but I know that's not really recommended now.
Help?? Thanks.
Help?? Thanks.
Kathy...there has been a few times since surgery and even Den that tylenol was not cutting the need for pain relief and for a short time we both had taken aleve. It has not been for a long term but a day or two. We both took it witha meal not sure if that even helped. My one knee acts up and tylenol is like an M&M no effect all and I will take the random aleve.
My RA has flared up again all my fingers are big fat sausages and gnarled. My rheumatologist told me to take two 200mg ibuprofen with food and pepcid. I hope this helps he told me to do that every 4 hours as needed...Hope this helps you. Tylenol is like tic tacs. Sorry to hear about your pain I hope you are feeling better.
My RA has flared up again all my fingers are big fat sausages and gnarled. My rheumatologist told me to take two 200mg ibuprofen with food and pepcid. I hope this helps he told me to do that every 4 hours as needed...Hope this helps you. Tylenol is like tic tacs. Sorry to hear about your pain I hope you are feeling better.
While NSAIDS long-term are a definite NO-NO for RNYers, they can be used VERY short-term. We just don't ever recommend them if we can get away from it.
Some things we have given is Celebrex with pepcid prophylaxis; and tramadol (Ultram). I would say for the first day of a menstrual cycle, Aleve can be taken without worry. You can irritate/ulcerate the pouch with longer usage.
I hope this helps!
While NSAIDS long-term are a definite NO-NO for RNYers, they can be used VERY short-term. We just don't ever recommend them if we can get away from it.
Some things we have given is Celebrex with pepcid prophylaxis; and tramadol (Ultram). I would say for the first day of a menstrual cycle, Aleve can be taken without worry. You can irritate/ulcerate the pouch with longer usage.
I hope this helps!
I second, third, fourth, whatever it is now what everyone else said. Short term use is ok for NSAIDS.
But DEFINATELY take pepcid before hand, and as directed for a day or two afterwards, and take the NSAID with food.
Feel better!
I agree - tylenol is like tic tacs for pain, it does crap
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Sounds like what you need to do is contact your Dr about pain management. I know when I had back surgery this year I took Vicodin when it was unbarable (a form of perscription strength tylenol, which is an opiate -Not a NSAID). I did accidentially take an NSAID- WHOOOO did my stomach was like there was a fire down there and I am over 4 years out. Vicodin is my life saver when my back is insane and I NEED more then tylenol- I take 1/2 a pill with food and I am good. If I take a whole one- I dont hurt but I also feel the need to chill out or sleep. I'm a wuss (1/2 usually is perfect)- well not really I got through 2 c-sections and my back surgery mostly on tylenol. Since my husband is a recovering addict and use to or may take any Opiates in the house I usually dont have them around. My caution is always to be careful about how you manage your pain....its a personal pet peeve of comfortable but smart about what you take. Feel better soon.