I'm home from my hospital stay

IdaMae D.
on 9/7/10 10:02 am - Philadelphia, PA
Hello All: 

I've been MIA since Thursday due to an unplanned hospital stay.  Sorry this is a long one.

Gene and I spent the holiday weekend with me in the ER and admission to the hospital.  Thursday around noon - pain in abdomen started.  As usual I ignore it and figure it will go away.  Fast forward to Thursday evening, figure I'll go to bed sleep it off - not happening.  Can't lay down pain is so bad when I try to lay it about puts me through the roof.  Get Gene  - we load me into the car and off to Jeanes Hospital ER.

Arrive @ hospital, sit in waiting room 15 mins, called back to triage, RN takes my history, I'm a gastric bypass patient - boy did things move from there.  She sent Gene to register me, pulled the curtains, had me undress put on hospital gown, insert IV, take a million tubes of blood, into the back I go.  This all happened so fast my head was spinning.  ER doc right into my room, feels my abdomen, asks my pain level, I ask if it can be a 50 she laughs and says no between 1 & 10, no brainer there its a 10.  Along with my IV a bag of morphine appears.  A huge cup of stuff I need to drink for the CAT scan w/contract also appears.  Once I finish that I have to wait 2 hrs for my CAT scan.  In the mean time - finish the bag of morphine, no relief from the pain, they give me a shot of morphine and some ****tail with milk of magnesia lydicane and something else, nasty to drink but it numbed my lips/mouth/throat.  They wait 10 mins ask my pain level still a 10.  Bring in a bag of delauded (sp).  Gene's laughing, says I'll be out of it in a few minutes, NOT.  Still in pain, still wide awake, still can't lay down.  By this time the surgical resident who is on my Gastric bypass surgeons team is called to the ER.  Add another bag of delauded, two hrs have gone by, so down for the CAT scan w/contrast - never had that before was an interesting experience.  In the meantime things are heating up with doctors and residents and interns coming into my room to check my abdomen - no wonder the pain was so bad with all of them pressing so hard, I knew they had to if someone was going to figure out what the heck was going on with me.

CAT scan is back ER doc & surgical resident look it over, I'm being admitted.  Now it's 7am.  Gene doesn't have his appointment book with him so he's going through his phone to figure out which clients are scheduled for Friday so he can cancel them.  I didn't bring my cell phone, so can't call my boss to tell her I won't be in work.

Get upstairs around 7:30am - I'm amazed at how quickly everything is moving.  I'm in my room 15 minutes and in walks Dr. Dempsey.  He takes one look at me and says "whats going on?"  I look at him, tell him he's the doctor tell me what's happening.  Pain is still at a 10, doc has to examine me - I just about jump off the bed.  He's already looked at the CAT scan - he tells me not to worry I'm not heading into surgery, there are no blockages, no hernia's.  I'm a relieved but still in pain.   After he leaves the team from my gastro doc comes in.  They go out confir with my surgeon, I'm scheduled for an upper endoscopy in the afternoon.  Delauded not killing the pain so back to morphine.  Now I have a killer headache, so on top of all the narcotics I'm given tylenol for the headache. 

Upper endoscopy scheduled for 3pm, still have not been able to sleep, can't lay down, the bed is sitting straight up.  My nurse is propping pillows all around me to make me more comfortable.  I send Gene home to get some sleep around 11am and to call my boss who I'm sure by now is pretty worried.  I go down for the endoscopy, first I have to lay down - OMG the pain, they give me drugs to twighlight me prior to knocking me out.  Then they knock me out - it's the first time I've been able to sleep.  They wake me up, sit me up, get me back to my room, into my bed, I ask for something other than morphine, don't want another headache, my nurse gives me a percocet, and for the first time that day I'm able to fall asleep it's now 4pm, the pain is finally starting to subside.

4:30 pm my nurse comes back in, give me a huge container of Magnesium Citrate to drink.  Just what I wanted now that I'm finally sleepy to wake up and drink.  I get most of it down.

Around 6pm the internest comes in to see me.  By this time I'm unable to focus, have to call Gene to come over right away to talk to him.    Gene arrives, doc takes Gene out to the nurses station to the computer to show him my CAT scan.  My colon is supposed to be 2cm at most, mine is 6cm or more.  From the CAT scan they are able to see my intestinal track is full - mind you I've had regular bowel movements everyday, and on Thursday had three.  The internest figures that from the Percocet I've been on since my oral surgery, had messed with my bowel movements and has backed me up.  The CAT scan also is showing I have a fluid build up in my pelvic area - have to talk to my PCP about that see what he wants to do.   I have to call my gastro docs office tomorrow for the results of the stomach biopsy they took when they did the upper endoscopy.  

I was released Saturday evening.  Sunday & Monday are blurs - drugs sure do take their time coming out of the system.  Today I went to work, couldn't make it a full day, had to leave at noon.  Was so tired I was falling asleep at my desk.  

Upon release they told me I still need to get an MRI to check my bile ducts, and I need an ultra sound of the pelvis.  Have an appt with my PCP to get all that straightened out.  Hoping he decides I don't need the MRI.  I think they might have gotten me in that thing when I was still feeling the effects of the anesthesia from the endoscopy, but now that I'm not under the influence I'm not liking the idea of having an MRI.  We'll see.

I'm happy to be out of the hospital and home.  Not liking being so tired and listless but that will pass.....



on 9/7/10 10:15 am - Levittown, PA
Oh Ida,
Sounds like a heck of a weekend. Gentle Hugs coming your way. I am sorry that your spend the better part of the weekend recovery but will keep you and Gene in my prayers that you find the answers that you are looking for. Boy is that scary all from being on Percocet? I knew that pain killers are binders but to this extend who would have thought? You are a good egg and god always looks out for good people..


People comment on my over 100 pound weight loss and attribute it to my WILLpower, but it is my WANTpower: I WANT to be thin and healthy more than anything else! 


IdaMae D.
on 9/9/10 9:00 am - Philadelphia, PA
Thank you Shilpa,
Yes, the Percocet is what did me in.  There were other contributing factors but that was the one.


on 9/7/10 10:16 am - Lancaster, PA

Ida what an ordeal I am so sorry

IdaMae D.
on 9/9/10 9:01 am - Philadelphia, PA
Thank you Nicole.


Liz R.
on 9/7/10 10:23 am - Easton, PA
giant hugs headed your way - what a battle!!!

Dr Brader told me whenever I have to take RX pain killers to take stool softeners. I am so sorry you had to go through that but so glad that you are feeling better!

Hang in there hun. I hope tomorrow you are feeling even better

IdaMae D.
on 9/9/10 9:03 am - Philadelphia, PA
Thank you Liz,
I do take Amatiza twice a day, and added stool softeners when I was on the Percocet.  But it didn't work.  I'm just starting to feel better.  All week I've been leaving work early because I'm done in by 2.  Today I had to stay I had training from 2-4 boy am I exhausted now.

How are you?


on 9/7/10 10:46 am - PA
I'm so sorry you had to go through this, Ida. Hugs to you and Gene!!!
IdaMae D.
on 9/9/10 9:03 am - Philadelphia, PA
Thank you!


Lisa H.
on 9/7/10 10:52 am - Whitehall, PA
WOW Ida.. I hope you are getting relief.  Were they able to empty your intestines?  I take stool softeners every night because of the amount of iron I take and I feel like I go enough, but who knows.  

Get better soon. sending healing thoughts

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