3 years out...
yesterday was my 3rd year surgervisty (oh however it is spelled lol)... last year I spent it in the hospital after having Annabelle...
I hoped that this year I would be closer to goal but that hasn't happened at all. I haven't given up... just frustrated... I think a lot of it is stress related... I'm trying to find a gym in my area that is open early but so far all of them open at 7am and I am on the road to work by then... but I have a 100 pounds still to loose... I will loose it one day but for now....
Was 341
now 235
was a size 30
now a size 22
was a size 8 in rings
now a size 5
was a 9.5 narrow
now a 9.5 super super narrow (i think that is called a AAA in width)

Jackie J.
1 choice @ a time > 1 day @ a time. Slow to Succeed is still Success ;-)
yes I have Annabelle and I love her to pieces but I also lost a year and half where I couldn't loose any weight because of being pregnant and then breast feeding... so some times it is frustrating lol... but I need to hit goal to get plastics because I am really tired of being in pain every day because of the fat roll pulling on my hips and lower back and my boobs killing my neck and shoulders lol...
I do have dish, but don't have any of the fitness channels... have the cheap package lol... but most of the workouts (when we had the fitness channels) have too much bouncing in them and without the bouncing couldn't get my heart rate up high enough to do any real calorie burning... I would love to have the money again to have my trainer... but I will never ever set foot in any gold's gym that is owned by that group... they are still getting fines from OSHA lol... stupid jerks... hehehehe...
Congrats on 3 years of successing!! It is good that you listed the accomplishments that you have done in this journey so far. It is important that we look back at what we have done, so it gives us more of a reason to continue on in the process. I have been pretty much at the same weight since June, but I know I have lost inches and my body has changed. So, the tool is still working! You can only take it one day at a time, that is what I do.
We are here for you!!