Need some advice and reassurance.
Well and maybe a few prayers along with it.
This maybe alittle long so i hope you can get through it!
Health wise right now Im a big pile of poo! Low sugar spells, low iron, Im now back on syntroid for my thyroid that has appreantly stopped functioning. I knew i had some problems with it as well as a goited which was origanlly discovered in 08. At that time it was small and was more just cosmetic. So the dr gave me the choice to have it out or not. since it was functioning fine we let it go. Fast forward to this past 3 months. Ive been sick non stop, tired all the time, cant keep up with the kids, depression, anxiety and just plain out of it. I went and had some labs done and found a few problems. Low iron, my tsh was off,t3 was off and well as t4. My thyroid perixodase is super high as well for people who know anythying about thyroid disease. I was diagnosed with Hashimato's disease and i need to have my thyroid as well as goited removed. I have 7 nodules on my thyroid one that is almost 7 cm in size. They will biopsy after surgery instead of trying to biopsy before surgery. Can anyone give me any advice. Im scared to death of cancer. Im worried about them hitting a vocal chord( couldnt lose my singing voice) I just need some advice somewhere.
This maybe alittle long so i hope you can get through it!
Health wise right now Im a big pile of poo! Low sugar spells, low iron, Im now back on syntroid for my thyroid that has appreantly stopped functioning. I knew i had some problems with it as well as a goited which was origanlly discovered in 08. At that time it was small and was more just cosmetic. So the dr gave me the choice to have it out or not. since it was functioning fine we let it go. Fast forward to this past 3 months. Ive been sick non stop, tired all the time, cant keep up with the kids, depression, anxiety and just plain out of it. I went and had some labs done and found a few problems. Low iron, my tsh was off,t3 was off and well as t4. My thyroid perixodase is super high as well for people who know anythying about thyroid disease. I was diagnosed with Hashimato's disease and i need to have my thyroid as well as goited removed. I have 7 nodules on my thyroid one that is almost 7 cm in size. They will biopsy after surgery instead of trying to biopsy before surgery. Can anyone give me any advice. Im scared to death of cancer. Im worried about them hitting a vocal chord( couldnt lose my singing voice) I just need some advice somewhere.
Giant hugs first off!!
2nd I've been there. Thyroid surgery isn't that bad. I had mine removed in 2002. I also have Hashimoto's disease. The likely hood of thyroid cancer I believe is about 5% so NOT likely! I was panicing too! I had many nodules and cysts to be removed. The recovery was about 2 weeks and I was back to work.
Hang in there sweetie and if you need anything call / text / email
Love you!
2nd I've been there. Thyroid surgery isn't that bad. I had mine removed in 2002. I also have Hashimoto's disease. The likely hood of thyroid cancer I believe is about 5% so NOT likely! I was panicing too! I had many nodules and cysts to be removed. The recovery was about 2 weeks and I was back to work.
Hang in there sweetie and if you need anything call / text / email
Love you!
I'm glad you posted here Tanya.. as you know, I know nothing about thyroid issues. BUT, I am here for you 50 calls a day if necessary. Siehara will soon be at school and won't be able to keep count.. lol.
Glad Liz chimed in with info since she has gone through it.
I love you and will do anything I can for you from here... and if Kelley gets me that plane ticket, you know I'm there
Glad Liz chimed in with info since she has gone through it.
I love you and will do anything I can for you from here... and if Kelley gets me that plane ticket, you know I'm there

Hi Tanya - While I can't offer any good advice I can sympathize as I am also going thru thyroid issues right now - had a biopsy on 3 nodules about a week ago and am waiting for the results, altho I don't see the endo until 9/20. Two nodules were large and one had calcium in it. I've had a sore throat for months but I think because of what I was going thru with my mom I just chose to ignore it, but when the doctor felt the nodules during a routine exam that started the ball rolling with ultra-sounds and then the ultra-sound biopsy - nasty business.
One good thing I did read about is what Liz said - they chance of thyroid cancer is so minimal and rare that that's what I'm holding onto, as well as the fact that it said that even if it is cancer the thyroid can be removed and is very curable. So hold on to that.
I haven't been sick but I have noticed my energy level sucks and I really push myself sometimes just to prove I can do it, but then again I'm not dealing with children and a baby - just me and my husband.
Please keep us posted - am sending many prayers your way...we'll be fine.
One good thing I did read about is what Liz said - they chance of thyroid cancer is so minimal and rare that that's what I'm holding onto, as well as the fact that it said that even if it is cancer the thyroid can be removed and is very curable. So hold on to that.
I haven't been sick but I have noticed my energy level sucks and I really push myself sometimes just to prove I can do it, but then again I'm not dealing with children and a baby - just me and my husband.
Please keep us posted - am sending many prayers your way...we'll be fine.
First off,... HUGS!!!!
I know of two different people who had thyroid removed ( one person over 10 yrs agom,, another about 5 yrs ago)... uneventful surgery and uneventful recovery.... both are stable on doses of synthroid for many years... no cancers.
When my TSh is out of whack, I am exhausted (which leads to food abuse) and depressed. I am very very careful about when I take the thyroid medicine so it does not counteract with any other meds/suplements.
More Hugs,