Sleepy Sunday Roll Call
Good Morning PA!
Wow, I get to start roll call for the first time!! YEAH!! I guess Steffi is still recovering from the festivities yesterday. Mazel Tov to your nephew!! It is a blessing and an honor to become a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. I remember mine although it was a LONG time ago....I still have pics of me and my Bubby and Zada(grandparents) who treated me like a princess!
Anyway, yesterday was so tiring that I fell asleep on the recliner. Got up around 12:30 to answer natures call then went back to the sofa. Slept until a couple of minutes ago. So here I am posting.
Today is going to be a laid back kind of day. Going to the store to pick up a few things then coming back home to do some baking. Spending time with my girl before she begins a new school year on Tuesday! She is very excited to go back and SO AM I !!! Love her but only in small doses with frequent breaks for adult time, if you know what I mean.
Have a great Sunday everyone!!
As for today, Hubby and I will be spending some more time outside working on the yard and replacing some fencing. Then I need to hit the grocery store. After that, will probably hang inside and read through some materials I researched and printed in preparation for my interviews starting next week.
Have a wondeful Sunday everyone!
Yesterday I was so tired all day, and my pouch didn't like what I was eating. So I went to bed early and got a good night's sleep.
Today I am off to Unity this morning, watching the Phillies this afternoon, and making meat loaf for dinner. My son is home from college this weekend, so I need to go to the grocery store with him too.
Check out the article about my store in the Morning Call today!,0,4009127.story
Hope everyone has a great day!!

IT is a Kennywood day today. One of the events that cemented my need for surgery was earlier this summer when we went to a small amusement park in Erie. I could not ride many of the rides because of my size. Well 35 days and 45 lbs later i do not think i will have much of an issue; but we shall see. Enjoy your day.
After the brunch we will head home and I need to call the surgeon as he wants to do some more draining. Tonight will be quiet and some possible, "getting our school stuff" together. It's getting exciting!
Hope you all have a SUPER Sunday - this weather is PERFECT for playing outside! :)