Thirsty Thursday Roll Call
Albert Schweitzer

I cry a lot too. Things are tough out there. It helps knowing we are not alone. I have been thinking a lot about how people need to start helping each other and putting down differences. There may come a time when all we have is each other. Have you seen a lot of the movies and books coming out? All about disasters and the end of the world. No wonder it is so hard to remain positive. But, hey, one thing we do know. If we are blessed to wake up each morning, it is a brand new day. Huuugzzzz
Good Morning Trish:
Trish big (((((hugs))))) to you. I can't say I know or understand what you are going through, I can send lots of prayers your way.
Today I'm working 7:30 to 4. I have a B-12 after work, then run to the drug store to fill a perscription. After that I'm heading home to make dinner, then relax. Was up too late last night. I enjoyed the CMT Music Festival then when Gene arrived home had a little bit of time to spend with him. Was nice to see him last night :-)
Hope everyone has a great day....
HUGGGGSSSS to you Trish!!

This morning I went to the gym. Did 20 mins on bike then worked on the upper body machines. Today I'm working till 5 as usual. Right now nothing planned for after work but chillin with the husband who is not feeling well.
Before his open heart surgery in Feb., he hardly ever went to the doctors. Now that he's been so close, and I mean close, to death, he doesn't hesitate to call them to go in to be sure it's just a cold and not an infection. Mind you, I am not complaining by any means. I want him to take care of himself. It's about time. His been home since his surgery. He's bored. He can't go back to work driving a truck because of his weight restriction for the rest of his life. He's just not used to sitting around. I'll stop now.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day. It's still HOT!!!! Bring on the 70's temps!!
Today is another busy day for me. Geez, school didn't even start yet and here we go..
Working til 2:00 again.
Siehara has an orthodontist appointment. This appointment has been rescheduled twice already due to unforseen cir****tances. The last time she was seen, the orthodontist wanted her to come back after her 12 year molars came in to see if the spacing between her top teeth would change. I think it has improved, but probably not enough. Looks like she will be getting a retainer. Oh joy!! At least it's not braces, but I'll have to be on her about the responsibility of this, along with her glasses.
After the orthodontist, I have to take her to the first day of Hebrew School! Since she does not go to the Jewish Day School anymore, this is a necessary addition to her life and schedule. She will go this year to get in the last bits of knowledge she needs for her Bat Mitzvah (not including the actual tutoring for her "parts").
While she is at Hebrew School, I plan to go the Bethlehem Gold's and do my First Strides homework (treadmill) since it is within 5 minutes of the synagogue. This will definitely be a great thing to do to occupy the time she is there (4:15-6:00)
After Hebrew School, CHANGE OF PLANS... no pilates.. just looked at my calendar and I'm so glad I did. We will grab dinner and then head over for the last choir practice before Saturday night's service/concert. OY..
Home by 9:30 and done for the night... PHEW... that's a lot of stuff crammed into a little bit of time.
Trish & Paula I hope that things turn around quickly. I have always been an emotional person and lots makes me cry. I have gotten tougher though.
I am at work today until 4. I have my heels dug in and I refuse to put up with other people's crap today.
Oh Trish - I think that I know one of your former co-workers - Michelle Quaglia - she teaches 7th grade math at Baldi. Steffi said that she was JOsh's teacher. Well she is dating one of my co-workers :)
Back to today, after work I need to stop and get some flea meds for the cats then home to relieve my Grandmother of her babysitting duties, make dinner and snuggle with Miss Amelia
Albert Schweitzer

I am off to school to do more classroom set-up and schmoozing.....It's kind of what I do! :) After school today both of the girls have hair appointments and then I am heading back to the surgeon to get drained. Then home to get everything together for the weeked events with Larry's family. SOOOOOO looking forward to celebrating with them, (Well, mostly to hear some of his pompous family tell me how great I look!)
Have a great Thursday all! :)
Thanks Steffi, I did not even think about drinking yesterday…just finding tissue boxes and walking the dog when it was 98 degrees. I appreciate you helping me remember that. Have fun schmoozing. That’s always my favorite way of starting the year. Hugs.
Albert Schweitzer