Quick Read- 3 Ways to live better now
I thought this was just interesting and good to keep in mind....
3 Ways to Live Better Now

Channel your inner artist.
When stress overwhelms you, spend 15 minutes singing along with the radio, doodling at your desk, or writing meditations in your journal. Unleashing your creativity can help relieve tension and even improve symptoms of conditions such as asthma and depression. Artistic endeavors spur the release of natural painkillers in the brain and immunity-boosting compounds important for fighting infection, say researchers.Dim lights at dusk.
Altering your preslumber environment can help your power down, so turn so turn off the light and trade nighttime TV or computer time for a good book. The simulated nighttfall signals your brain to produce melatonin—the hormone that regulates your brain to produce melatonin—the hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycle—so you'll more easily and naturally rack up 7 to 8 hours your body needs to function optimally. No more counting sheep!Forgive and forget.
Letting go of a lingering resentment can be tough, but the physical and emotional benefits you'll reap are well worth the trouble. People who can forgive someone who has hurt them tend to be less angry, depressed, stressed, and anxious and have hold grudges. Pick up the phone, meditate on how it feels to release the painful offense form your consiousness, or extend a metaphorical olive branch by writing the person a letter that you never send—your inner peace isn't dependent upon a response.Andrew Weil, M.D., is director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona and is a pioneer in the use of natural healing therapies.
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