***A tale of two Tuesdays roll call***
Ok...so I couldn't come up with anything else.
But...it kind of is a tale of two Tuesdays for me....
It's my night "off"...but I'm keeping a "quasi" night schedule because I'm nuts lol....
First off going to the gym for a personal training appt at 0800. Stopping at the store on the way home.
Once home I need to do some baking for tonight. One of my bff's at work is leaving and Tuesday is her last night, so we are having a party for her. Soooo....although this may be a bit confusing...I'm baking and decorating the cake...going to bed hopefully around 2 or 3ish...then I'm getting up "late"...around midnight or so...and getting ready in street clothes and going into work, where I'm not working, with said cake. Her party starts at 0100.
Hanging out at work with them, then going home and rearranging my kitchen cabinets so I don't have to duck every time I open one up, lol
Probably will go to the gym Wednesday morning for some treadmill and ab work.
Then it'll be "back to your regularly schedule night shift programming" of actually being in work to work, LOL
So...the "two tuesday" comment....one is that I'm off...the other is that I'm still going in.....I know...lame

Wow! Either this coworker is a really good friend or you really like where you work to go there on a day that you are not even on!! Especially to go in the middle of the night!!
Well it is 4:30 am and I can't sleep! I had an EMG done yesterday and now my back really hurts. Of course it didn't help that Dee came into my bedroom a couple of hours ago and said that she couldn't sleep! So, she is sleeping in my bed and I am WIDE AWAKE!! Damn kid!
Today is Family Day! Our last hurrah for the summer. We are going to take Dee to Reading Terminal Market for the day. I haven't been there in forever and Dee has never been there. We are just going to walk around, have lunch, walk around some more then get home before rush hour.
Plus, after this morning I will be going to bed EXTRA early tonight because tomorrow is back to work! I get to see all of my work peeps! YEAH!!!
Enjoy this Tuesday!!
Maybe I can get back to sleep....YEAH RIGHT!
First of all...she is a REALLY good co worker and friend and someone who I will miss dearly in all honesty. She is a FANTASTIC nurse and the hospitals in Philly are soooo lucky to have her.
Secondly...it kind of works in my favor to do it this way. Because I only have tuesday off...and flipping from nights to days to nights for just one day just plain sucks. Soooo....keeping a night schedule is almost easier on the body than it is to do it any other way. Add to the fact that I actually have something to DO in the middle of the night makes it all that much better!!

That is so sweet! I understand that you do not want to mess up your work/sleep schedule. It makes sense now....Sorry I am bit sleep deprived today so I am a little slow. Some days I think I should have stuck with cats....just sayin!
Have a great day!
I feel so much better this morning!!!!! The stitches came out of my mouth yesterday, I didn't need a percocet last night for pain, was able to function with a couple tylenol. Got all my wash done and folded, not away yet. Stewed my peaches and made applesauce so I have some mushy fruit which I'm craving but still can't chew and I'm up on time for work this morning.
Today it's time to "stop milking" the sore mouth as Gene jokingly put it last night. I'm packing up the gym clothes, changing at 3:45 this afternoon prior to leaving work and stopping instead of driving past the gym tonight. Then home to take a walk on the treadmill, have not been on that in two weeks now. I can feel it in my body, the not exercising. My back is starting to hurt again. I'm still not ready for solid foods yet, doc said a couple more weeks of liquid/pureeded stuff. This week I can start cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, in addition to my cream soups with melted cheddar and unflavored protein powder.
Tonight after the treadmill, I need to put clothes away, organize the bedroom which has become a disaster area the last two weeks, then to bed.
Hope everyone has an awesome day......
Working today from 6-4 and then going with my cousin to see Rush at the Allentown Fair. That's it, nothing else for me. After today, I'm off for a few days (did I mention I LOVE our schedule here) and just have two short Paramedic shifts on Wednesday and Friday nights. Not much else going on. Hope everyone is well.....