Recap from Monday.... planned menu vs actuals
B FF Cheeses stick and 1/2 bagel
S FF Cheese stick
L tuna 1tbl lite mayo and 1/4 c lentils
S plain chiobani yogurt w sf jelly
D turkey w leftover Thai veggies
S mozz cheese with strawberries and balsamic vinegar
B FF Cheeses stick and 1/2 bagel (check)
S FF Cheese stick (check)
L tuna 1tbl lite mayo and 1/4 c lentils (check)
S plain chiobani yogurt w sf jelly (didn't have sf jelly)
Added: Sf hot chocolate
in the car: 4 cocopops crackers (15 cals each) and 1/2 c ham blood sugars were dangerously low at 45
By the time I arrvied home, I was dying of stomach cramps (ham salad didn't agree with me)
I had to take my meds so around 8pm snack was some Chiobani yogurt. w 1/2 c oatmeal.
Wokeup this morning and blood sugar was respectable 107!
Today -- will watcht he danger hour of car ride home with more care... need to balance low blood sugars with appropriate foods. I brought 4 glucose tabs to ward off low blood sugar and will use them as my medicine.

How do you know your blood sugar levels in the car? Were you diabetic before? I've had about 3 times since surgery where I felt immediately shaky and like my neck and head were burning from the inside out and my vision gets a little screwy. Is that low blood sugar? and what is the BEST thing for us to eat immediately to fix that?
I was and still am diabetic. Just back to insulin about a week ago.
I carry my montior with me faithfully and do finger ***** tests 6 times each day and when I feel jittery, break out in cold sweat I felt strange yesterday on the way home, so I pulled over and did a test. (jittery, blurry vision) Unforuntately, I was not prepared with appropriate treatment so I stopped in a deli and got the first thing I saw. (not a good idea!)
Any way, I've learned my lesson... and I now carry GLUCOSE tablets with me and will use them as my "MEDICINE" to treat a low blood sugar. I'm validating that with my nutrtitionist.
I think each person should be contact with their respective nutritionist/doctor to discuss how to treat a low blood sugar..and what is their best food/treatment option.