Fabulous Friday Roll Call
working til 3:30
after work, I really need to go over to the gym. I feel like I have not been there this week, even though I was there a couple of times.
We will probably head to Target at some point to do some school supply shopping.
Other than that, no plans.
Synagogue tomorrow, then babysitting for the Caines and when they come home, I will leave Siehara with them for the night and head to Pottsville to see Bron.
Today I sporting a white 'summer' sweater, the sleeves and v-neck are trimmed with navy, blue, light blue, and red strips. Paired with a red linen capri pant and navy Mary Jane's.
Our county fair (the Grange Fair) is in full swing! I'm debating about running over to it on my lunch to see if I won any ribbons. This is the first year I have entered items to be judged.
Friday night lights! My son plays varsity football and has an inter team scrimmage tonight. Like the Penn State Blue/White game, but this one would be a Red/White game! It's his senior year and super excited for his upcoming season.
Have a great wkend!
I really like the "choices" theme, Nicole. Just sayin!
I chose a pair of black lightweight jeans and a bright multicolored tie-back tunic shirt with strappy medium-height sandals today. Part of that choice was that I was NOT feeling good about my body for the last couple of days (bloated, have gained a couple of pounds, hormonal, feeling blech) and this was an outfit that makes me feel a little better. So far, so good.
I chose NOT to go to the gym this morning (too crampy and blech) and instead to give myself an extra hour of sleep. My body needed that! I will run tonight, instead.
I'm here at work all day - trying to continue teh catch-up from the start of classes, and all the fun that comes along with that, simultaneous with trying to learn a new programming language and methodology and deal with having to micromanage one of my employees who's being a problem. I hate having to babysit people - particularly SENIOR people who should and do know better but have decided to be passive-aggressive babies because they don't like change. Frankly, if you can't cope with change, you shouldn't be working in IT.
Anyway - I think i'm also in a bad mood, but am choosing to ignore that little fact in favor of having a good and productive day today. :-)
Enjoy the gorgeous weather!
What fun.
Can't wait until my workshop tomorrow and getting my brain off of this crap.
Have a great weekend!!!
Enjoy yout time in the workshop!
I will have a great weekend - time with Amelia, picking up my parents tomorrow and spending the day with my parents, Mia and Chris sunday!
Today is finally Friday and had thought of taking a mental health day but came to work anyway. Hope it goes fast yet for some reason Fridays drag monkey butt here in work.
Tonight I will be meeting some friends for happy hour with a favorite local band. Then tomorrow Den & I have no plans it is our 20 month anniversary. Yes we celebrate every month so not sure what we will do maybe just spend the day at home.
Sunday we got an invitation to test drive the new 2011 Hyundai Sonata so we will do that in the morning then going to head out to see some friends.
Today I choose to wear a brand new white top with orange and pink butterflies on it with jean capris and white FitFlops....Tonight I am changing into some bad girl clothes though ;)
My Mood is sad for a list of reasons but working on becoming happy! Because no one can steal my happiness unless I allow them too....
Good Morning Nicole,
I have been having serious computer problems and am working on the bare minimum to make do until I can buy my son's laptop from him. I plan on giving him a down payment this weekend, to show my intent is good.
I am being a blob these days. I am on Suboxone, Benadryl and a muscle relaxer, so I have zero ability to function, and cannot drive. The Suboxone is my alternative to Percoset for the pain, and the Benadryl is for the itching I get from the Suboxone. So, instead of making plans, I am setting goals.
Goal one is to get past the halfway point in a baby blanket I am knitting. Goal two is to finish organizing my bedroom and make it the way I want it to be, free of clutter. Goal three is to get a ride to an AA meeting tonight.
Hope this finds you better than me. Your picnic sounds awesome.
Albert Schweitzer