Thankful Thursday Roll Call
Could it be that I am posting roll call and it is almost 7am?
I don't have a lot going on today, working and then doing a SAP eval. Tonight my friend Kara and I are going to be checking out the local Cross Fit and see if we like it. It is like old style navy seal training types of stuff. UGH.
Still working on vacation planning of course my sisters are throwing monkey wrenches into the New England Cruise. I guess I just need to tell Royal Carribean to get a boat ready to do exactly as they wish and bet at set their sail dates based on " when it is convenient for them" oh and could they shorten the cruise a bit? 9 days is just too long ARGH!!!!
Oh well. I hope you all have a fab day!! Updates on Lisa Schnibbe- Hunt would be good as well as Swede if anyone has them
I don't have a lot going on today, working and then doing a SAP eval. Tonight my friend Kara and I are going to be checking out the local Cross Fit and see if we like it. It is like old style navy seal training types of stuff. UGH.
Still working on vacation planning of course my sisters are throwing monkey wrenches into the New England Cruise. I guess I just need to tell Royal Carribean to get a boat ready to do exactly as they wish and bet at set their sail dates based on " when it is convenient for them" oh and could they shorten the cruise a bit? 9 days is just too long ARGH!!!!
Oh well. I hope you all have a fab day!! Updates on Lisa Schnibbe- Hunt would be good as well as Swede if anyone has them
Morning Nic and the rest of PA..
I texted Swede the other day and have not heard back yet. I am going to try to call today to check up on him.
Good luck with the Cross Fit... sounds like a big challenge, but I'm sure you can handle it, especially if you do it with someone else. I know First Strides was actually pretty nice last night because I finally had my new friend to walk with. The other weeks she was not able to come and it made for a very boring walk because I didn't find anyone else who was walking at the same pace I was.
I brought Siehara over to a friend's house last night while I went to First Strides and she called to see if she could sleep over. So, I am again in an empty house with no child.. at least until around 11:00 am.
Working til 3:30
Gym for zumlates...zumba, then pilates.. Love Thursdays at the gym!!
home to maybe watch the Phillies game with a friend..
That's it
I texted Swede the other day and have not heard back yet. I am going to try to call today to check up on him.
Good luck with the Cross Fit... sounds like a big challenge, but I'm sure you can handle it, especially if you do it with someone else. I know First Strides was actually pretty nice last night because I finally had my new friend to walk with. The other weeks she was not able to come and it made for a very boring walk because I didn't find anyone else who was walking at the same pace I was.
I brought Siehara over to a friend's house last night while I went to First Strides and she called to see if she could sleep over. So, I am again in an empty house with no child.. at least until around 11:00 am.
Working til 3:30
Gym for zumlates...zumba, then pilates.. Love Thursdays at the gym!!
home to maybe watch the Phillies game with a friend..
That's it
Morning Nicole & Lisa (only two roll call posts today.. wassup wit dat?)
Enoyed support group meeting last night - was good to see everyone! I'm off to work, am pooped - nothing exciting to report.. another late work day for sure today.. home, pack lunch for Friday and start the cycle again..
That's it..
Enoyed support group meeting last night - was good to see everyone! I'm off to work, am pooped - nothing exciting to report.. another late work day for sure today.. home, pack lunch for Friday and start the cycle again..
That's it..
Good Morning - where is everyone today?!
I didn't sleep well during the night. I never knew you could feel so dizzy laying down. Amelia was also up twice - at 2:30 and 5. Well at 5 she really didn't want to go back to sleep, she kept teasing me with sleeping long enough so I could get back into bed and almost asleep. Chris finally got up with her about 6:30 and I slept a bit longer. Today I have to run out and get my grocery order then home to put it all away and start prepping for cooking class on saturday.
IF I hear from Schnibbe today I will certainly post!
I didn't sleep well during the night. I never knew you could feel so dizzy laying down. Amelia was also up twice - at 2:30 and 5. Well at 5 she really didn't want to go back to sleep, she kept teasing me with sleeping long enough so I could get back into bed and almost asleep. Chris finally got up with her about 6:30 and I slept a bit longer. Today I have to run out and get my grocery order then home to put it all away and start prepping for cooking class on saturday.
IF I hear from Schnibbe today I will certainly post!
I don't know about anybody else but I hit my snooze button 5 times this morning! Man, talk about not wanting to get out of bed. Then again I had a little furball who kept waking me with his itching and scratching until I finally got my butt out of bed at 1:30 and got him a pill and a treat - then he finally settled down and went to sleep. I left him and hubby sound asleep this morning - hubby is on a 5 day weekend since they cut him back to 3 days a week for now. Lucky dogs.
Geez Nic, wish you were my sister! I'm all about cruising and a 9-dayer sounds great! I hope your siblings can get it together for you.
As for me I'm at work - nothing much going on here - same old, same old. Just trying to stay awake today.
Geez Nic, wish you were my sister! I'm all about cruising and a 9-dayer sounds great! I hope your siblings can get it together for you.
As for me I'm at work - nothing much going on here - same old, same old. Just trying to stay awake today.
Good morning PA!
I have actually been up watching TV since 6:30 this morning. I have been going to bed around 11, and waking up early. There is only so many hours I can lay on my back , still can't get on my side yet comfortably. Yesterday I drove for the first time, went to the Post office with no problem. Today after my shower my goal is to put in a couple of hours in the store, mostly doing computer stuff, maybe some rearranging of clothes. But no moving racks or anything heavy.
I am feeling mostly pulling on my left side now, more than pain. Feeling better but certainly not perfect.
Boldly tried a fudgicle and a SF pudding yesterday, and they both were fine. Trying my samples of protein mixes in the morning, they are pretty good.
Hope everyone has a great day!
I have actually been up watching TV since 6:30 this morning. I have been going to bed around 11, and waking up early. There is only so many hours I can lay on my back , still can't get on my side yet comfortably. Yesterday I drove for the first time, went to the Post office with no problem. Today after my shower my goal is to put in a couple of hours in the store, mostly doing computer stuff, maybe some rearranging of clothes. But no moving racks or anything heavy.
I am feeling mostly pulling on my left side now, more than pain. Feeling better but certainly not perfect.
Boldly tried a fudgicle and a SF pudding yesterday, and they both were fine. Trying my samples of protein mixes in the morning, they are pretty good.
Hope everyone has a great day!

Good Morning Nicole & PA:
Mouth if very, very, very sore today. Phoned the oral surgeon, he is writing a perscription for more percocet, Gene will pick it up and have it filled for me.
Work up 02:15am with the pain, was able to finally get back to sleep around 7:00, phone just rang and work me up. I should get some fluids in me.
Today Gene is going to find me liquid vitamin, I cannot chew the Centrum, or the vitamin C tablets. Also need to get some unflavored protein to put in some cream soups for an extra boost. I konw I'm not getting enough in at this point.
Yesterday's neurosurgeon visit went well with my daugher, Bri. He told her 30 is too young to be having her back fused. He said the herniated discs are not pinching her nerves as of yet so there are other routes to take for her case management and leave the surgery as a last resort. He did tell her there are three things she can do to help her back. One stop smoking - she had quit for 3 years then about a year ago picked them up again. She is going to make an appointment with her PCP to see if she can get some help with that. The second is loose weight. Not sure how easy that is going to be for her, she is willing to try, and the third is she needs to exercise to build up her core to take some of the pressure she's putting on her back onto her core muscles as she builds them up. Hopefully she'll be able to do some of this as well as the follow-up suggestions he had for her pain management doc.
When I got home I checked my work email. We have free passes for ourself and up to 5 immediate familiy members for the Philadelphia Zoo on Saturday or Sunday. Gene is going to be working on his syllibus for both classes and his lesson plans so if I'm up to it I'm hoping my two daughters and son-in-laws would like to go with me. If the guys don't want to go I'm hoping my oldest will - she's been bugging me about visiting the zoo.
Hope everyone has a great day....
Mouth if very, very, very sore today. Phoned the oral surgeon, he is writing a perscription for more percocet, Gene will pick it up and have it filled for me.
Work up 02:15am with the pain, was able to finally get back to sleep around 7:00, phone just rang and work me up. I should get some fluids in me.
Today Gene is going to find me liquid vitamin, I cannot chew the Centrum, or the vitamin C tablets. Also need to get some unflavored protein to put in some cream soups for an extra boost. I konw I'm not getting enough in at this point.
Yesterday's neurosurgeon visit went well with my daugher, Bri. He told her 30 is too young to be having her back fused. He said the herniated discs are not pinching her nerves as of yet so there are other routes to take for her case management and leave the surgery as a last resort. He did tell her there are three things she can do to help her back. One stop smoking - she had quit for 3 years then about a year ago picked them up again. She is going to make an appointment with her PCP to see if she can get some help with that. The second is loose weight. Not sure how easy that is going to be for her, she is willing to try, and the third is she needs to exercise to build up her core to take some of the pressure she's putting on her back onto her core muscles as she builds them up. Hopefully she'll be able to do some of this as well as the follow-up suggestions he had for her pain management doc.
When I got home I checked my work email. We have free passes for ourself and up to 5 immediate familiy members for the Philadelphia Zoo on Saturday or Sunday. Gene is going to be working on his syllibus for both classes and his lesson plans so if I'm up to it I'm hoping my two daughters and son-in-laws would like to go with me. If the guys don't want to go I'm hoping my oldest will - she's been bugging me about visiting the zoo.
Hope everyone has a great day....
Good morning Nicole and everyone.
I too have texted Swede with no response - makes me VERY nervous. Hoping to hear something today. Tomorrow is his 40th birthday.
I actually slept in my bed last night - not great - but certainly better than the recliner. Today I am just itchy, but feeling pretty good. Great night at Barix last night after an amazing visit with Pammy. Means so much that people are willing to ravel a distance to come see me.
Today, Larry is home, not sure what we are going to do - the surgeon still wants me to take it easy because now that the drains are out - the body needs to readjust to the liquids in my system. So - my guess is more sitting. Emily is home, Molly slept at my step-dad's so - don't even know what they have planned for the day. I have two weeks left of this glorious summer and I am getting excited about starting back for a new school year.
I hope you all have a thankful Thursday - I am pretty thankful! :)
I too have texted Swede with no response - makes me VERY nervous. Hoping to hear something today. Tomorrow is his 40th birthday.
I actually slept in my bed last night - not great - but certainly better than the recliner. Today I am just itchy, but feeling pretty good. Great night at Barix last night after an amazing visit with Pammy. Means so much that people are willing to ravel a distance to come see me.
Today, Larry is home, not sure what we are going to do - the surgeon still wants me to take it easy because now that the drains are out - the body needs to readjust to the liquids in my system. So - my guess is more sitting. Emily is home, Molly slept at my step-dad's so - don't even know what they have planned for the day. I have two weeks left of this glorious summer and I am getting excited about starting back for a new school year.
I hope you all have a thankful Thursday - I am pretty thankful! :)
Here in work and already been phoning Flo with two of my girlfriends this morning. Made dinner plans at friends house looking forward to a meal on the grill. Yummo!
Last night I left work and drove to meet Dennis at Red Robin for dinner he was surprised but I had to see him. The night before I yelled at him over something crazy so I wanted to make things right. I then ended up going to Barix when I keft I felt like that was where I needed to be with friends. Even though I cancelled other plans in my heart it was right. The hugs soothed my trouble soul last night.
So today it is get through work then dinner with friends then home but the wake up means it is Friday!
Last night I left work and drove to meet Dennis at Red Robin for dinner he was surprised but I had to see him. The night before I yelled at him over something crazy so I wanted to make things right. I then ended up going to Barix when I keft I felt like that was where I needed to be with friends. Even though I cancelled other plans in my heart it was right. The hugs soothed my trouble soul last night.
So today it is get through work then dinner with friends then home but the wake up means it is Friday!