home again, home again....
Hello all,
I'm home from surgery and doing pretty well. I had a post op complication of swelling where the stomach joins the intestine - nothing was passing on my first post op day, so I had to go 24 hours more without liquids. My pain was not at all bad... I was worried about that with the open surgery. He used an anesthetic that injected numbing medicine directly into the incision called Un-Q. Worked like a charm. They gave me steroids to bring down the inflammation, and it worked. Now I'm drinking sips and tolerating small amounts of clear liqs. I'm not pushing anything.
I'm going to take a nap and then go for a walk. Have a great Saturday!
I'm home from surgery and doing pretty well. I had a post op complication of swelling where the stomach joins the intestine - nothing was passing on my first post op day, so I had to go 24 hours more without liquids. My pain was not at all bad... I was worried about that with the open surgery. He used an anesthetic that injected numbing medicine directly into the incision called Un-Q. Worked like a charm. They gave me steroids to bring down the inflammation, and it worked. Now I'm drinking sips and tolerating small amounts of clear liqs. I'm not pushing anything.
I'm going to take a nap and then go for a walk. Have a great Saturday!
Congratulations and happy re-birthday!
Sounds like things are going well now, despite the inflammation. Just remember to keep moving and keep sipping. Especially with open surgery, movement and gentle stretching will help you heal more quickly and more safely. Stretch just until you feel it, not until it hurts! Wal****il you're tired.(and that should be a little farther and/or a little faster each day) Sip as often as you can tolerate it, especially in this weather!
Congratulations and happy re-birthday!
Sounds like things are going well now, despite the inflammation. Just remember to keep moving and keep sipping. Especially with open surgery, movement and gentle stretching will help you heal more quickly and more safely. Stretch just until you feel it, not until it hurts! Wal****il you're tired.(and that should be a little farther and/or a little faster each day) Sip as often as you can tolerate it, especially in this weather!
Welcome to the other side of the Loser's Bench. . .
Glad that despite initial set back you are doing well. . . looking forward to reading all about your journey.
Glad that despite initial set back you are doing well. . . looking forward to reading all about your journey.
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland