Mia is 2 months old!!
Well tomorrow 7/23 Ameila will be 2 months old. She is a wonderful baby - very calm and easy going. We go to the Dr on tuesday so I'll get her official stats but we weighed her here at home and she is about 12 1/2 pounds (8 at birth). She is eating like a champ and sleeping 4-6hours at a time at night! Just wanted to share a few photos with those of you that aren't on facebook (Liz Hill Radlbeck or [email protected] if anyone wants to add me). She amazes me every day. On tuesday she rolled from her tummy to her back and she can get herself onto her side from her back but hasn't flipped over yet. She's "talking" up a storm with a wide range of noises.
THanks for letting me share all her acheivements with you!
THanks for letting me share all her acheivements with you!