***Thursday Roll Call***
Good Morning all!!
Well things apparantly went pretty well w/ Brian's family yesterday. We did end up getting a decent amount of $$ that will make a nice nest egg for a future house. Also got some stocks which we are just gonna hold onto and "let them ride" as we have no interest in selling them or getting into that type of business. Irony of irony - the stocks are in banks, LOL But ironically have gone up in the past month (we have what they were worth on the date of his death and what they are worth now)
So, that leads me into today. First we are going to Brian's bank (Wachovia) to close out a checking account that he has.
After doing some research with a few different banks along with online accounts like ING we are depositing the inheritence into a 12 mos CD so that it can grow just a tiny little bit (Sovereign which happens to be my bank actually has the highest CD offer right now which is 2%) The only thing we have to do is talk to a rep - we are interested in the taxation ramifications on the inheritence and the CD and things like that.
By the time all that is done, I'm sure it will be bed time for me! Nice thing is hubby is home with me tonight so I know when I wake up to go back to work, he'll have a nice cup of tea ready for me, which is something that is so small but soooo appreciated by me. I know - it's stupid :)
Anyway - that's it from here.
Have a great day all!

Pam, sounds like a busy morning. But important things to do. Hope you get to bed at a decent time.
Me? I am having issues with my incision. It's red all around and it appears that "something" is posking out the incision site. So off to the doc this morning to have it checked. I can't really lay down for long, or sit for long or stand for long. Everything hurts really bad. I am in a ton of pain. So BIL will be getting boys on the bus for me, Riley is at a sleepover, and JOhnny's sister will be over by 7 to help me out with Jantzen and take me to the doc appt. Johnny had to return to work today.
So that's my morning, a doc appt for protruding guts from my belly button..........LOL. From there, who knows. It depends on what the doc has to say.
Hope everyone else has a much better day than me. It's supposed to be cool and breezy, but sunny today so that will be nice.
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
We are still waiting on the NC tax return money. Is there any way to check on that? My hubby's money from his IRA arrived. I keep telling him about my fears with him getting a motorcycle even though every summer I wish we had one. I have seen what they do tdo people. He wants me to take the tests. I can take the written, no problem, but actually drive one? I can but I always have a fear of falling off. So, we shall see. I would rather we upgrade my car so that we are not throwing money into it all the time. Oh well.
Today is snowing!!! I just looked out! Tomorrow is supposed to be 76, go figure! Knitting club today. What therapy!
We are in the process of seeing a new psychologist and hopefully this one will be able to help. I am also going to be calling the Dept of Welfare to talk to them about a program that the school staff told me about. It's called a wrap around program where they send a behaviorist into the home to help us. I am going crazy with this kid. She just will not accept my authority. Her ODD, combined with puberty in process is just plain unbearable.
ANYWAY, off to my day.. work 7-3:30. During lunch, I will get over to the gym and do a mile on the treadmill--will try to add to my jogging time. I will probably be able to do it today, just from sheer frustration from my morning.
After work, going to help set up the bookfair at school. Picking up Siehara from Girls on the Run and then going to a notary to sign over my mom's old car to some poor sucker who just bought it from my ex. I guess they realize what they are getting into because they saw the thing and still want it. They are only paying a couple hundred dollars, so I am positive that they realize it is a piece of junk. Not my problem.. that's between them and him. It's just that the car is in my name so I have to sign over the title. After that I am going to bingo. I definitely need to get the hell out of this house tonight for some "me" time.
Calgon take me away!!!

Very close friends of ours has a son who has ADD/bipolar and I think what is probably the ODD thing as well - but I can't attest to the last "diagnosis" Anyway - they did a program that sounds very familiar and similar to the wrap around program and it did help them.
I'll tell you more details in the next couple of days....gotta get my butt moving and then home again to sleep some

Today has me at work till 1030. then off to the urologist finally!!! Its been well over a month since my first bladder infection and hopefully thats all it was. Then back to work. Finish out the day and then home for the kids, make dinner, take a walk, pick up hubby and home for the rest of the night