who likes their Wii?
Hi - we have Wii along with the Wii Fit Board. We were gung ho on the thing when we first got it.
Now - not so much. The last time I got on it, it welcomed me back and told me I hadn't been around in 60+ days...
With that said, I really like tennis and bowling, which is in Wii Sports that comes with the game console. Wii Fit is fun and it really does track everything. I also got Shaun White Snowboarding, which was fun. I think the games are reasonable priced as far as video games go. I find them all too expensive, but they are comparable with the others.
Also, I noticed in Wal-mart the other day, that they had a clearance table of Wii games.
However, do not get "Carnival Games". It is pretty lame.
Now - not so much. The last time I got on it, it welcomed me back and told me I hadn't been around in 60+ days...

With that said, I really like tennis and bowling, which is in Wii Sports that comes with the game console. Wii Fit is fun and it really does track everything. I also got Shaun White Snowboarding, which was fun. I think the games are reasonable priced as far as video games go. I find them all too expensive, but they are comparable with the others.
Also, I noticed in Wal-mart the other day, that they had a clearance table of Wii games.
However, do not get "Carnival Games". It is pretty lame.
If you're looking to play some old school Mario, and not much else, I receommend you go for the Nintendo DS.
It's the portable system with two screens and the stylus/touchscreen technology.
I have one, and it's fun as hell, and they can be had for around $100, possibly lessif you're willing to get a used one. I bought mine from a some kid on craigslist for 80 bucks almost a year ago!
The games are at the most 40 bucks, but that's rare. You can get plenty of good games for 20 bucks.
AND... they play Game Boy Advance games, many, many great games, that you can buy used at any video game store for less than ten bucks!
Look into it, and I can help you look for a good online price if you're interested. :)
If you're looking to play some old school Mario, and not much else, I receommend you go for the Nintendo DS.
It's the portable system with two screens and the stylus/touchscreen technology.
I have one, and it's fun as hell, and they can be had for around $100, possibly lessif you're willing to get a used one. I bought mine from a some kid on craigslist for 80 bucks almost a year ago!
The games are at the most 40 bucks, but that's rare. You can get plenty of good games for 20 bucks.
AND... they play Game Boy Advance games, many, many great games, that you can buy used at any video game store for less than ten bucks!
Look into it, and I can help you look for a good online price if you're interested. :)
The Easter Bunny brought Wii to my parents house this year. It gets used quite a bit. Now its still new....but the kids love it! Haven't tried the Wii Fit yet, but have heard lots about it!!! I did the Boxing (got my ass kicked by my 7 yr old & my sister....then my shoulders & arms were sore for 3 days)!!!!! I also did the bowling (2 games).....my legs hurt for 3 days (because you are basically doing lunges every time you throw the ball, you're not "sliding" like when you really bowl)!!!!! It was fun though, the Easter Bunny has good taste!!
There are never any problems, only solutions. quoted by a dear and special friend!!!
My stats:
Starting weight 234 lbs Height 5 ft 6 in
Goal in 7 months (127 lbs)
Currently: 120-123 lbs
Tops Small Bottoms size 2!!!! UPDATED: 11/11
Heather -
Well as you can imagine in my house with 3 teenage boys (12, 15 and 18) and ALL of their friends and my daughter and ALL of her friends - we seem to be the electronics capital of the neighborhood. We have PS2, PS3, Game Cube, X-Box, PSP, DS and Wii. Of all of the systems - (and ALL of them are used frequently) our Wii is used the most.
Aside from the games mentioned you can also do Guitar Hero, Rock Band, DDR, Wii Music, etc. If you are into more graphic - fighting - games there are games like Mortal Combat and Zombie Games. There are a ton of versions of Mario - and my fav so far is Mario vs Sonic. Speaking of Mario - if you like that you may like the Sonic Games as well. And if you are into the DC comics there are a ton of DC comic based games too ( I could go on and on about games..lol)
If you get a used Wii - I would suggest you try GameStop. They have them and the prices are good. If the used system has an issue - you can always take it back and either get your money back or get another system. You cant do this when getting used systems from other places like eBay or Craigs List and when you are spending this kind of money - you really need some assurances.
As far as games go - EB Games (Electronic Boutique), GameStop both have a ton of used games and great deals on them (like Buy 2 get one free). If you get the annual card (usually $20) you get more free stuff and more free used games. Plus at those places you can trade in your used games for credit to be applied for more games. If you dont know if you are going to like a game - then rather than spend the $15 - $50 on a game (used or new) - you can always go to BlockBuster and rent a game for a couple of days - this way if you like it you can go and get it.
That reminds me - Blockbuster has used games for sale as well - usually at great prices. AND like the systems themselves - GameStop, EB Games AND Blockbuster will replace any defective used game that you purchase.
PM me if I can help you with anymore on this - and we have a ton of games - so if you want to 'borrow' some in between meetings - let me know and I will bring you a couple to try before you buy.
Kim Z
Well as you can imagine in my house with 3 teenage boys (12, 15 and 18) and ALL of their friends and my daughter and ALL of her friends - we seem to be the electronics capital of the neighborhood. We have PS2, PS3, Game Cube, X-Box, PSP, DS and Wii. Of all of the systems - (and ALL of them are used frequently) our Wii is used the most.
Aside from the games mentioned you can also do Guitar Hero, Rock Band, DDR, Wii Music, etc. If you are into more graphic - fighting - games there are games like Mortal Combat and Zombie Games. There are a ton of versions of Mario - and my fav so far is Mario vs Sonic. Speaking of Mario - if you like that you may like the Sonic Games as well. And if you are into the DC comics there are a ton of DC comic based games too ( I could go on and on about games..lol)
If you get a used Wii - I would suggest you try GameStop. They have them and the prices are good. If the used system has an issue - you can always take it back and either get your money back or get another system. You cant do this when getting used systems from other places like eBay or Craigs List and when you are spending this kind of money - you really need some assurances.
As far as games go - EB Games (Electronic Boutique), GameStop both have a ton of used games and great deals on them (like Buy 2 get one free). If you get the annual card (usually $20) you get more free stuff and more free used games. Plus at those places you can trade in your used games for credit to be applied for more games. If you dont know if you are going to like a game - then rather than spend the $15 - $50 on a game (used or new) - you can always go to BlockBuster and rent a game for a couple of days - this way if you like it you can go and get it.
That reminds me - Blockbuster has used games for sale as well - usually at great prices. AND like the systems themselves - GameStop, EB Games AND Blockbuster will replace any defective used game that you purchase.
PM me if I can help you with anymore on this - and we have a ton of games - so if you want to 'borrow' some in between meetings - let me know and I will bring you a couple to try before you buy.
Kim Z
My brother and sister in law got a Wii for my niece and nephews for Christmas- it is a blast!
I just got my niece the dance game- it comes with 2 dance mats and you can have a "dance off". It is a great workout! Also they all love Wii fit and I actually am now addicted to the Indiana Jones game that my 5 yo nephew plays all the time. I LOVE Mario and Sonic games, and cannot wait to get a Wii for myself! I plan to buy one as a gift to myself for my bday in July :)
My brother and sister in law got a Wii for my niece and nephews for Christmas- it is a blast!
I just got my niece the dance game- it comes with 2 dance mats and you can have a "dance off". It is a great workout! Also they all love Wii fit and I actually am now addicted to the Indiana Jones game that my 5 yo nephew plays all the time. I LOVE Mario and Sonic games, and cannot wait to get a Wii for myself! I plan to buy one as a gift to myself for my bday in July :)