update on possible stricture
Hey everyone, hope you are all well. I did end up going to the hospital this morning so that the my doc could do an EGD. I was dehydrated (no surprise there) so they gave me two bags of IV fluid. The EGD showed that I did have a small stricture, that they stretched slightly I may or may not have to go back for another stretch depending on how I feel. They also found a small ulcer. Ok so I had a double whammy. No wonder I have been feeling so bad. Started some meds for the ulcer, and we will see what happens next. I am under strict orders to call if I need anything. The doc also rececked the incision that is still draining. He is happy with that and says it looks good. On top of that I started to get a head cold yesterday, Probably my resistance is quite low right now. So I am trying to deal with that too. Don't get me wrong I still feel that after all this healing stuff is over and I am feeling better I will be way better off losing the weight. I know I will be healthier. Just taking it a day at a time and I will get there eventually. Belinda
So glad you have some answers and are on your way to feeliing better.
I also admire your outlook about this. So many people would dwell on all the negative, feel sorry for themselves, or second guess thier decision. I find it refreshing that you see it as just a little side step and you are wtill on your way to a new journey.
Keep up the great attitude and hope each day gets easier and better for you.
I also admire your outlook about this. So many people would dwell on all the negative, feel sorry for themselves, or second guess thier decision. I find it refreshing that you see it as just a little side step and you are wtill on your way to a new journey.
Keep up the great attitude and hope each day gets easier and better for you.
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
Hey Belinda.. glad you got in to the dr and they were able to find out what was going on so you can be on your way to healing. Again, like Jo said, I'm glad you are being so positive during this difficult time. You WILL get through this bump and you WILL succeed once you are past it! Just take it easy and let the meds and the drs do their jobs.
So glad that you are now on your way to feeling better. Hopefully you won't have to have any more stretching and that the meds take hold and do their jobs. I appreciate your wonderful optimism-you are a great example to others. Keep up the great work and you will be losing in no time.
So glad that you are now on your way to feeling better. Hopefully you won't have to have any more stretching and that the meds take hold and do their jobs. I appreciate your wonderful optimism-you are a great example to others. Keep up the great work and you will be losing in no time.
Sorry to hear this news but it sounds like you have a good attitude about it and a good set of doctors looking after you - hopefully you'll heal soon and be on your way. And you're right - take it one day at a time - keep you spirits up even tho its hard when you're not feeling well. We're all out here to support you. Take care - Kathy
I think Jo worded it perfectly "I find it refreshing...." So many people are so negative - and it would be soooo easy to be negative in this situation.
Glad you got rehydrated and got some answers. I hope the stretching works out for you without having to go back for more. And here's hoping that head cold of yours disappers soon - that's the last thing you need right now.
Glad to read the update!
Glad you got rehydrated and got some answers. I hope the stretching works out for you without having to go back for more. And here's hoping that head cold of yours disappers soon - that's the last thing you need right now.
Glad to read the update!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.