***Sunday Roll Call***
But, today is church, lunch with in-laws and then home to get things set up for the week... tomorrow is the first day of work for me and first day of Lore being with a new sitter... we decided for now to use a sitter that goes to our church for MOPS and Awanas... I think it will be a better transitions than straight into daycare at this point...
Well, off to watch Kings from last night...
Just curious...but what is MOPS and Awanas? Good luck at the new job!! I hope all goes well and that it is fabulous!! ;-)
"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!
Today has me up and getting ready to go to another spin class. It starts at 9, so I'll be heading there soon. I did buy a gel seat on Norm's advice so hopefully my ass won't be as sore this time. {Thanks Norm}
After the gym, I will come home and shower and then I have NO PLANS until later tonight when Siehara has dance. She wants to do something today, but hasn't told me what yet. So the majority of the day is up in the air.
Hope everyone has a great day!
I'm off today and enjoying it. In a little while I will be going to bestbuy with one of the managers from the store. Going to help her purchase a lap top. She's a little unsure of what to get. Apparently the computer she is using now is a relic and she has dial up aol on it lol.
I'm supposed to be off tomorrow but I may get called in if a certain person calls off again. I am trying to stick to my guns and not go in. I dont get paid enough to be at their beck and call and they do like to take advantage of me when possible. When someone mentioned he might call off for monday and i was to come in........I told them to get someone else to do it.
Hope you all enjoy today....even if its rainy.
I am waiting for my son and d-i-l to pick me up today. We are heading to the Phillies game. I sure hope it does not rain till after they win.
Have a great day.
Albert Schweitzer