Getting a hip replacement & have ? about hospital stay
I need to get my hip replaced in June and will be in the hospital for 3-4 days. I eat 5-6 times a day and wonder what I am going to do in the hospital since they only feed you 3 times a day. Plus, I eat mostly protein and not many carbs. I need to get my 80 grams of protein. I already thought about taking some almonds with me but what else could I do? Would the hospital be able to give me a high protein, sugar free meal? I guess I could take ready to drink protein shakes and ask for ice but I really HATE the taste of them. I appriciate any suggestions. I'm sure I'm not the only gastric bypass patient who has gone into the hospital.
I need to get my hip replaced in June and will be in the hospital for 3-4 days. I eat 5-6 times a day and wonder what I am going to do in the hospital since they only feed you 3 times a day. Plus, I eat mostly protein and not many carbs. I need to get my 80 grams of protein. I already thought about taking some almonds with me but what else could I do? Would the hospital be able to give me a high protein, sugar free meal? I guess I could take ready to drink protein shakes and ask for ice but I really HATE the taste of them. I appriciate any suggestions. I'm sure I'm not the only gastric bypass patient who has gone into the hospital.
I had to be hospitalized right after my WLS. The hospital kitchen kept calling me because I wasn't placing my meal orders. I finally asked if the nutritionist at the hospital could come up to see me. He was there within an hour of that call. We discussed my needs, and they went out of their way to accommodate me. He even went so far as to do some shopping to get me some cream of chicken soup that had no chunks (the hospital version of it did and I was only 2 days post surgery). He also purchased some SF yogurt for me. I don't know if all hospitals are so accommodating, but it's certainly worth a try.
Another suggestion is just to have your family bring you items that you can eat. All nurses stations have fridges and they can hold your items for you. St. Mary's did that for me also.
Hope all goes well with the surgery.
Another suggestion is just to have your family bring you items that you can eat. All nurses stations have fridges and they can hold your items for you. St. Mary's did that for me also.
Hope all goes well with the surgery.
Thanks Eileen. That's a good idea about my family bringing things. I love cheese and think if I had to go 4 days without it I would I have to do my pre-op testing and I am going to mention my concern and hope they can help. I am going to a surgical center so I won't be in the actual hospital but I'm assuming the food comes from the hospital since it's only 5 mins away.
Pre-pack care packages for yourself beforehand in a big ziplock and have the family bring you one a day in either a mini-cooler with a freezer brick or ice (the hosp always can always replenish ice). That way you can keep it by your bedside for when you need it. Put in yogurts, cheese, protein bullets, chicken strips, just make sure you conform to the hosp diet somewhat if, for example, they want you on liquid for the first day or two, use bullets to supp. Those protein supps will speed your healing post-op so don't HATE them too much!! It's only 4 days. Good Luck with surgery!
Jackie J.
1 choice @ a time > 1 day @ a time. Slow to Succeed is still Success ;-)
Talk to your doctor/surgeon ahead of time (most likely won't be there at your PATs) Tell them you need a high protein no sugar added diet.
Also...the lunch bag idea is a good idea to keep pershible items in and just add ice to it and what not. I know a few hospitals have patient fridges on the unit.
Also...a diet order can normally be put in "with snacks" and what not.
Good luck!
Also...the lunch bag idea is a good idea to keep pershible items in and just add ice to it and what not. I know a few hospitals have patient fridges on the unit.
Also...a diet order can normally be put in "with snacks" and what not.
Good luck!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.