Hi everyone
Sorry I haven't been posting much lately, but I have been reading the boards everyday. I have been so focused on making sure that I am eating right, and getting the foods I need, and walking and increasing my walk everyday that some things have sort of got pushed to the side. Congratulations on all the great WOW moments lately. I haven't had any yet but I know they are coming. Everyone seems to be doing so well that is fantastic. I am adjusting to "pouch" eating, and it is getting easier. I am beginning to learn what full feels like and haven't had that feeling of sickness for awhile. Hope everyone continues to do Great and don't freeze today It got really cold. Belinda
Don't feel bad for ignoring the boards so you can take care of yourself. LOL. That's a good thing. You need to focus on yourself and it sounds like you are doing great! And trust me, WOW moments are just around the corner. It doesn't take long for them to start.
I am do glad you are doing well. It sounds like you are on the right track and that means a successful journey for you. Make sure to update as you can but live your life first! That's why you had this surgery!
Congrats on making it through so far and best of luck as time goes on. And remember we are always here.
I am do glad you are doing well. It sounds like you are on the right track and that means a successful journey for you. Make sure to update as you can but live your life first! That's why you had this surgery!
Congrats on making it through so far and best of luck as time goes on. And remember we are always here.
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
EXCUUUUUUSE MEEEEE!!! I found 6 WOWs in YOUR paragraph!!! Congratulations on making strides! These are no little feats and the other WOWs won't come without these baby steps before them.....
Sorry I haven't been posting much lately, but I have been reading the boards everyday. I have been so focused on making sure that I am eating right, and getting the foods I need, and walking and increasing my walk everyday that some things have sort of got pushed to the side. Congratulations on all the great WOW moments lately. I haven't had any yet but I know they are coming. Everyone seems to be doing so well that is fantastic. I am adjusting to "pouch" eating, and it is getting easier. I am beginning to learn what full feels like and haven't had that feeling of sickness for awhile.
Sorry I haven't been posting much lately, but I have been reading the boards everyday. I have been so focused on making sure that I am eating right, and getting the foods I need, and walking and increasing my walk everyday that some things have sort of got pushed to the side. Congratulations on all the great WOW moments lately. I haven't had any yet but I know they are coming. Everyone seems to be doing so well that is fantastic. I am adjusting to "pouch" eating, and it is getting easier. I am beginning to learn what full feels like and haven't had that feeling of sickness for awhile.
Jackie J.
1 choice @ a time > 1 day @ a time. Slow to Succeed is still Success ;-)
Sounds fantastic darling! Each day gets better and better.
And being "full" can be tricky sometimes especially earlier out - because the nerves have been cut and you physically can't feel it.
I found it easier (and sometimes still do) to think of it as "am I hungry anymore" as opposed to "am I full" i seemed to get better control over it and less over eating that way.
And being "full" can be tricky sometimes especially earlier out - because the nerves have been cut and you physically can't feel it.
I found it easier (and sometimes still do) to think of it as "am I hungry anymore" as opposed to "am I full" i seemed to get better control over it and less over eating that way.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

You're doing fantastic and its good to hear from you, but you're absolutely right - right now you need to concentrate on yourself and adjusting to your new life and new body - we're always out here - not going anywhere. And yes, you've definitely had some wow moments of your own already - keep up the great work!!