Long time no see.. Happy Easter
Well, it seems that time does tend to fly by very quickly. It's been weeks since I've even checked this board, and much longer since I've posted.
Since my daughter left for job corps, I've been very busy chasing Miss Addison around. You would think chasing a toddler, I would lose a few more pounds, but unfortunately, that's not the case. My daughter is home for a few days and I noticed since she is home, my eating habits were HORRIBLE while she was gone. I seemed to have reverted back to some of my old, bad eating habits. I'm not sure why, the only thing I can think of is, I've been so busy taking care of everyone else (again) and I wasn't paying attention to taking care of me. Now that I see the problem, I plan to make changes, AGAIN. The dr. said this would be a life long challenge/battle, and he sure as heck wasn't kidding. (not that I thought he was, but for some crazy reason, I thought it MIGHT get a little easier as time went on. Obviously, I was wrong. Time to stop looking back, and look forward to what tomorrow will bring. (My food journal will be brought out of hiding again!!)
I also wanted to wish those who celebrate the holiday, a Happy Easter. I'll be posting pictures of Ms. Addison and her fun trip to see the Easter Bunny.
Hopefully, I'll be able to make more time to come back to the board and start posting again.
Good to hear from you! Also glad to hear that your daughter went to job corps - I hope all continues to work out for the best for her and of course Ms. Addison!
Yep - it is difficult to keep on track and to remember to put yourself first. Many struggle with that. It does sound like you have a solid game plan, though, and I'm sure you'll be able to stick to it!
Have a wonderful Easter!

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!