Feeling depressed
I have no idea whats going on today i just feel so down, more depressed than normal. Maybe all the changes going on inside, hormones i have no clue but it doesnt feel good at all to be like this. I think alot of it has to do with not having my therapist anymore, as soon as i had my surgery she got fired and yesterday was the first time i saw somone new and i dotn like her ughh i cried like the whole time, feeling like i was morning my old therapist just because she knows me inside and out. Geezz when something goes good it alwasys seems to get messed up. Sorry just wanted to vent a little since i think you guys are gonna be my new therapist, ouch!! watch out hahah im hard to handle
It is difficult when someone so close as a therapist you like goes. You will definately need to do some leg work to find one you do like - and you will have to be open minded about it as that can be just as difficult.
there will be good days and bad days for all. WLS or not, depression or not. Just the other week I was "not fit to be around humans" as I put it. I was crying for absolutely no reason and was just witchy, *****y, and weepy all at once.
One day at a time, it's all you can do.
there will be good days and bad days for all. WLS or not, depression or not. Just the other week I was "not fit to be around humans" as I put it. I was crying for absolutely no reason and was just witchy, *****y, and weepy all at once.
One day at a time, it's all you can do.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Hi! I think it is hard to go through all these huge changes all at once and losing your therapist is a difficult change to maneuver through as well. But if you could not continue with your old therapist --I think you owe it to yourself to give the new therapist a chance. Remember they are not miracle workers just helpers--just like this surgery is not a quick fix --it is a tool. You have to be working it at all times to ensure success.
Sometimes it feels like you can handle anymore on your plate (no pun intended) but guess what? You were strong enough to get through the surgery --you will be strong enough to get through the bumps in this journey we call life. It isn't easy--but I have faith that you can keep on going and become all the stronger for it!
Sometimes it feels like you can handle anymore on your plate (no pun intended) but guess what? You were strong enough to get through the surgery --you will be strong enough to get through the bumps in this journey we call life. It isn't easy--but I have faith that you can keep on going and become all the stronger for it!
"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!
What you are experiencing is normal. You are having hormonal changes, behavioral changes. just about everything changes LOL. It will be ok. I do recommend therapy as this is a hard transition and it helps to have someone involved. Good therapists are like a good pair of jeans hard to find and dont fit eveyone. Keep looking dont settle for some one you dont like.
As a therapist myself I can tell you that they will understand
As a therapist myself I can tell you that they will understand
I wished you lived closer Nicole lol, yes you are right good therapists are hard to come by. I did talk to my old therapist and told how i was feeling about losing her and she totally understands and has recommended someone. So we will see. Im just going through alot of changes and i need to keep kickin my butt when i feel down and know that it wont be like this fforever!!

Hi. I found you on here. Like everyone said, the depression is normal and you do need to find a therapist that you feel comfortable with. You have to bond with them so to speak. There are a lot around here. Keep searching.
I hope your mom is doing better. You just really have a lot on your plate right now but things will get better.
See you on Wednesday (before the meeting?) if not before.
I will call you about dinner plans!
Call me anytime!
I hope your mom is doing better. You just really have a lot on your plate right now but things will get better.
See you on Wednesday (before the meeting?) if not before.
I will call you about dinner plans!
Call me anytime!