new to oh, just recd precert approval (havin cold feet ?)
hi, im new to obesity help ..i used to belong, but didnt come here for a long time and so here i am back ! anyways, i have been in the gastric bypass clinic at our hospital since last sept/oct, and am nearing the end of their program. i have met all the requirements, including losing the weight required, psych and labs, all that stuff...i just got a phone call the insurance company has approved the precert for surgery.!!!! waiting for surgeon to call with appt. to meet. so i am excited yes to be nearing surgery ..the waiting time is probably 8 weeks ..they are running that far behind...the thing im thinking about is this...i had to lose 5 pounds before surgery, originally. but all i did was gain 10 over the months. 5 weeks ago, the said look ! lose or else ! anyways, i did lose, a whopping 13 pounds in 5 weeks. now some people are saying, well if u can do that..u dont need the surgery ! (family, coworkers etc). was losing the 13 pounds just a fluke ? i mean i did try to lose, really hard and it worked. but still. ive been overweight my whole life, and waited a long time for surgery to come to me. do i follow thru or listen to these people? i think i should follow thru with the surgery. what do u think ? ( i need to lose 100 pounds ) is it just cold feet ?
I think that alot of people have gone through that same thought process. I never had that much trouble losing weight, it was keeping it off and developing lifestyle changes that I sucked at LOL.
You have to do what is right for you because you will be the one with the new pouch no one else. So dont let others influence your thoughts. Go for it.
You have to do what is right for you because you will be the one with the new pouch no one else. So dont let others influence your thoughts. Go for it.
Welcome and I am glad that you came back. I find this board amazing and supportive. I think it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. You have to do what is right for you. You have obviously put alot of thought, time and energy into this decision. I don't know if you are like me or not but yea I dieted in the past several times, and I lost weight and then I gained it all right back plus some. I finally hit my highest weight it was effecting my health. I researched and thought about it for four years before I actively starting pursuing the RNY and it took a year to get me to surgery. I was blessed, even though my family had concerns they were very supportive. Like I said this is a VERY personal decision, one you need to make not anyone else in your life. Good Luck and I hope everything works out for you. Belinda
I think many people have that thought....but only you can answer it truthfully for yourself.
Would I be able to do what I have done since surgery without surgery? Not at all!
You sound like you are on the right track and have thought all of this through and have followed the program well, which is awesome!!! I can't wait to follow your journey with you!
Would I be able to do what I have done since surgery without surgery? Not at all!
You sound like you are on the right track and have thought all of this through and have followed the program well, which is awesome!!! I can't wait to follow your journey with you!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Hi there - I went over the 200 lb mark when I was 20 - by 50 I was almost 400 lbs. Sure I lost hundreds of pounds over the years - Weigh****chers, Jenny Craig, fasting, every fad diet that came along - and always gained it back and then some. When I decided to have WLS it was a very emotional decision for me like it is for most.
I had to go thru a 3 month nutrition and exercise program for my insurance requirements, and then a 10 day clear liquid diet prior to my surgery - between the two I lost 50 lbs. It was wonderful and amazing but I never for one moment doubted my decision to follow through with the surgery, because I knew that I had lost that weight for a purpose - to show the insurance company I could and would commit to the lifestyle changes the surgery would require, and to make my body as healthy as possible for the surgery.
Only YOU can decide if you should have the surgery - your family will be as supportive as possible but they will also fear for your safety during surgery - that's normal - but if this is something you feel you need and want then don't let outside sources influence your decision.
I wish you all the best -- you'll know in your heart if this is the right choice for you - just remember, its a tool, not a miracle cure, and you will have to work with it in order to make it work for you.
I had to go thru a 3 month nutrition and exercise program for my insurance requirements, and then a 10 day clear liquid diet prior to my surgery - between the two I lost 50 lbs. It was wonderful and amazing but I never for one moment doubted my decision to follow through with the surgery, because I knew that I had lost that weight for a purpose - to show the insurance company I could and would commit to the lifestyle changes the surgery would require, and to make my body as healthy as possible for the surgery.
Only YOU can decide if you should have the surgery - your family will be as supportive as possible but they will also fear for your safety during surgery - that's normal - but if this is something you feel you need and want then don't let outside sources influence your decision.
I wish you all the best -- you'll know in your heart if this is the right choice for you - just remember, its a tool, not a miracle cure, and you will have to work with it in order to make it work for you.
Here I go and my sleeves are rolled up. You do not have cold feet you are scared. I can't think of anyone who has made this choice who wasn't. And if they say that they weren't you can tell them I said they are full of poo poo! Its a tough choice to make and a lifetime committment. I went on Dr Pupkova's diet and lost weight and when they went to weigh me the morning of my surgery and my nurse said I lost 13 pounds just for a split second I thought to myself "wow Linda, you can do this without the surgery" who was I kidding??? I did all of those diets and obviously they failed so I had to be realistic with myself and say "nope Linda get your ass back on that table" and I did. I have no regrets, I have met some wonderful people who have been there for me and I am there for them as well. Its a scary journey and you are going to hear lots of different things but the one thing I will say to you is need to do what is right for you! Some people are not you and you have to as Richard Simons used to say when girls griped about his exercise classes hey you have to go home with that body. I used to laugh when he said that but its the truth. Its your body and you have to live with it. We've been there and done that the 13 pounds was not a fluke. Imagine where you will be in the future if you do not do this. I had the friends and families and even the people who I boarded my horses with say Oh you don't look that big or need to lose that much. At 5"3' and 246 pounds who were they kidding??? I needed it. I did it and I am so glad I did. Life is good.
i appreciate all your messages and it really helped. i agree with all that you say, and im following thru with the surgery.... i just need to come up with 2,000 dollars now. (i thought the economic stimulus money would be able to help me on that..but as we all know we arent getting that money) so...thats my last hurdle i guess. i believe they have a payment plan at the hospital, BUT it i believe it all has to be paid BEFORE the surgery (in full). that gives me maybe 8 weeks. thats not long enough, and i dont want to delay the surgery. ive delayed for years you know what i mean ?