Bark for Life (its really cute!)
As some of you know, for the past 10 years I have been participating in the Relay for Life which is a huge fundraising event for the American Cancer Society. Well, this year, we are having a canine event/team called the Bark for Life team! The dogs are walking in their own mini relay to help raise money for cancer research, programs, etc. My dog Tucker will be participating...he has already raised $50.00 from my co-workers and his goal is to raise $100.00. Of course, he would much rather participate in a bone eating marathon than do any kind of exercise, but it will be good for him LOL
I know many of you already made donations to me for which I am so grateful for, but if anyone would like to make a small donation to Tucker, he will repay you with many drool covered kisses! LOL
The link to his very own relay page is below! 10392483&pg=personal&fr_id=16747
Heather and Tucker
I know many of you already made donations to me for which I am so grateful for, but if anyone would like to make a small donation to Tucker, he will repay you with many drool covered kisses! LOL
The link to his very own relay page is below! 10392483&pg=personal&fr_id=16747
Heather and Tucker

Hey Kathy! Tucker thanks you for your were the very first person to post to his webpage. 
I am feeling better every day, but still sore and sensitive. Very tired still...more becasue being sore wears you down physically and emotionally. The nerves in my arms must be growing back because I am having pain and didn't have pain in the incissions before this. It will all pass and I will be back to normal soon. I am happy with the results...still some swelling and the implants are not settled yet, but my R boob is starting to look pretty I have to get my L one to follow it's lead LOL Thanks for asking!

I am feeling better every day, but still sore and sensitive. Very tired still...more becasue being sore wears you down physically and emotionally. The nerves in my arms must be growing back because I am having pain and didn't have pain in the incissions before this. It will all pass and I will be back to normal soon. I am happy with the results...still some swelling and the implants are not settled yet, but my R boob is starting to look pretty I have to get my L one to follow it's lead LOL Thanks for asking!
You can either donate right to Tuckers webpage on the link above with a credit card....or you can print off the donation form (which will ahve all of his information on it so he gets the credit) and mail it to the address on the will go right to the American Cancer Society office in West Chester.
Heather I am sorry I meant to get back to you earlier but I had to run out to Giant supermarket I did go onto the link and submit my debit card and made my donation for Tuckers big day. Tell him he can slobber on me any time I am used to it since I once owned two great danes so a newfi slobber not any different. I am one of those crazy people who get down with the dogs and play with them I kinda enjoy that and horses so have fun the both of you. I hope you are feeling well after your recent surgery. Take care and hugs to both you and Tucker. Looks can be deceiving I have no problem not being prissy. Enjoy and have a good time the both of you.