Enlarged Sternum
Congratulations!! You have just found your xyphoid process (pronounced zy-foid)!! Rest assured that in the horrific event of cardiac events, healthcare providers will now easily be able to properly identify the correct position/site for CPR.
Seriously - that's what it sounds like. The xyphoid process is actually the notch right above that big old bump you are now feeling. All sternums have it - but you might not have been able to feel it before.
I would still show it to your doctor just to make sure it is the lower portion of your sternum and not something like a hernia popping through.....
Seriously - that's what it sounds like. The xyphoid process is actually the notch right above that big old bump you are now feeling. All sternums have it - but you might not have been able to feel it before.
I would still show it to your doctor just to make sure it is the lower portion of your sternum and not something like a hernia popping through.....
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.