Struggling With Pre-Op Diet!! HELP!!!!!

on 4/5/09 6:03 am

Calling any and everyone with suggestions on getting thru this 2wk Pre-Op Diet! I've cheated twice with a bag of potato chips while at work...has anyone cheated once or twice and went thru RNY surgery with NO problems...Or did i just totally mess things up for myself? How do you stop the hunger pangs and the cravings! I'm dying here!

on 4/5/09 6:24 am - Gettysburg, PA
I didn't cheat. I was too scared to. I was afraid if I didn't do exactly what the orders were, something would go wrong in surgery. I was scared......

There is no "fix" for getting through it that I know of. It sucks, it's hard, but it's what you have to do to prepare for the surgery. It does aget a little easier after a few days, because your body adjusts to it. but other than just sheer will power, and having the mind set that this is what you are going to do, no matter what.....I have no other advice.

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



on 4/5/09 6:32 am
You're right I know...I'm just gonna have to try harder...maybe if i sleep most of the day that will help...sigh...thank you for your response.....and many blessings for you and your newest arrival of your son
Pam Hart
on 4/5/09 7:23 am - Easton, PA
I'm assuming the pre op diet is a liquid diet for you (every surgeon is different?)  It does get just a tiny tiny bit easier each day but by no means is it "easy"  I put myself on a "self inflicted liquid diet" as I called it two weeks prior.  My surgeon did not require it - however - I had gained weight and if day of surgery they saw that weight gain, my surgery would have been cancelled.  It's just the way my surgeon worked. 

I chewed a lot of gum, took a lot of walks, and oddly enough...did a lot of sleeping!  I would go to bed ridiculously early if I was to miserable to be around others without my other friend, food.

Are you drinking protein shakes?  That helps with the "filling" feeling.  Not for an extended period of time, but for a little bit anyway.

Also....I understand (although do not condone) the whole cheating thing...but think of it this way.  You are basically cutting out refined carbs...hence the cravings...then you have potato chips which is a carb...which awakens the carb monster even further cause now all you've done is give it a little taste when it wants a whole days worth.  Kind of like a smoker who is quitting but has one or two cigs a day.  I think (doing both myself I might add) that it makes it that much worse.  Just get to ketosis (the state your body is in with lack of carbs) and the cravings die down a bit.  But put some carbs back in when in ketosis and WHAM your body immediately awakens to it.  And then you go through withdrawl all over again.

Another point to ponder...the liquid diet is believed to help shrink a fatty liver giving your surgeon more room in there for the surgery.  You don't want to risk them having to open you up because they can't get to where they need to lap or, worse, knicking something they shouldn't have due to tight spaces in there.

For me...those "logical" points helped me to steer clear and be emotionally afraid, more than emotionally attatched to the carbs.

Hang in there.  Take it one second at a time if you have to.  Don't think about the two weeks.  For this second you are drinking liquids.

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 4/5/09 10:54 pm

I didnt think of it like that..I definitely wouldn't want an open surgery and no i hope and pray for no complications because of my shear weakness for the bad stuff...those "logical" points were eye openers for me....that just took the cravings away all of a i'm gonna get some jello and broth and try to stay a little busier...Gosh i cant wait till this is over!!!!

Thank you so much Pam you put the fear in me and thats just what i needed!!!!!

on 4/5/09 7:43 am - Imperial (Pittsburgh), PA
I only had to do 5 days of clear liquids prior to surgery (not counting the 6 months low cal diet).  I was so gung ho to have the surgery done that i didnt really think about it too much.  I survived on clear liquids, broths and jello.

I think it helped that i only had to do that for 5 days...;and i kept busy with little projects and with working.  and yes, i was a bit afraid to "cheat",  afraid it would mess up my surgery .  i only cheated once, was cleaning out my freezer and found a frozen individiual pizza so i HAD to eat it lol can do this
~ Denise 


(deactivated member)
on 4/5/09 8:49 am
 Hang in there and do the best you can.You may want to try getting different flavors of protein shakes or getting sugar free Davinci syrups and add them to the shakes to give you different tastes. It is a tough time but will be worth it. Keep yourself busy or as you said sleep. This is only a temporary phase. It will get better.  Ellen
Shannon O.
on 4/5/09 9:24 am - Reading, PA
I cheated once... I got so lightheaded and was home alone with my daughter who was 14 months old at the time... I eat a piece of chicken... before I ate that and had some apple juice my blood sugar was really low... in the 60s from what I remember... I just started to drink more apple juice as part of the clear liquid diet and the lightheadedness went away...

But what helped me to get through the cravings... I would drink the broth from chicken noodle soup... gave the noodles to my daughter hehehe... it helped a lot... hang in there... it is worth it in the end...

Kelly K.
on 4/5/09 12:26 pm - Conneaut, OH
I will be starting my 1 week of SF Carnation Instant Breakfast diet the day after Easter.  We are having my son's 5th Birthday Party on April18th.  It will be SO hard to not cheat as we are having a fish fry and birthday cake.  His birthday is April 26th and I will still be recovering to have the party on 4/25.

RNY 4/20/09

Kidney Cancer Survivor 4/26/12

Partial Thyroidectomy 4/08/13

on 4/5/09 10:57 pm
Thank you all  for your responses! I will have more will power and more jello!  I'll keep you all posted!
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