***Sunday Roll Call***

Liz R.
on 4/4/09 10:29 pm - Easton, PA
Good MOrning All!! Chris went out to breakfast with his grandmother and uncle and I am here getting orgainzed for the day and eating breakfast - product review to follow!

I want to do some yard work today and thats about all that is on the plan. Chris and his brother are going to hang a basketball net on our garage so I'll have to supervise that.

Other then that hoping to be able to spend some time alone with hubby - I never get to see him anymore!

HAve a great sunday

on 4/4/09 10:51 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning everyone - nicer morning out today - not so stinking windy. Yesterday was full - wanted to go to the barix meeting but just wasn't able to fit it in. Spent all morning cleaning and finishing up laundry, then 2 hours at the hair salon and then another hour and a half at the grocery store - I too spent $300 - egad!! It was so windy it actually blew bags right off the bottom of my cart - thank goodness for a kind gentleman who chased them across the parking lot while I tried to hold onto my cart - must have looked like a comedy of errors, but he fnally got my bags and I was able to get the cart to the car.

Today I took doggie for a nice walk, then we went to Micky Ds for my sfvic and breakfast. Have s- me more cleaning to do today - probably sweep the porches, clean the lights, etc. Nail appt at 11 and that'll be a long one, then home to clean up and meet some friends for dinner. Back to work tomorrow.

So thats if for me for now...hope everyone has a great day.

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Liz R.
on 4/4/09 10:59 pm - Easton, PA
I too had a $300 Walmart run! groceries and other stuff. And by bags gave me a workout too!!
Pam Hart
on 4/5/09 2:27 am - Easton, PA
Seems like a theme this weekend, Kathy.

My Giant bill was $238 but the best part about that is MOST of the stuff I bought was on sale - so I saved $53 by buying the sale items and being careful - otherwise it would have been even closer to $300.  I love seeing savings that high!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 4/5/09 12:08 am - Riverside, PA
Good Morning,

Yesterday was rather relaxing. My daughter Kaitlyn, returned back to college after surprising us with a visit. She didn't have her clinical on Friday so she decided to come home. She watched Lost/Grey's Anatomy on the laptop, snuggled in her bed then watched movies with me. Nice to have her around.

Felt bad though as she had just received an email Fri. stating she had to attend a 5pm Sun mtg for returning RA's and the new hires. She is currently on the RA staff @ Wilkes. She was looking forward to attending her ASB(alternative spring break) reunion potluck Sun. at 5pm.  She was chosen to be part of a service trip to the Domincan Republic over spring break to work at an orphanage teaching English. This reunion was a time for everyone to reflect on their experiences, share pictures, create a display board etc. She is the only one missing out.  Doesn't it always happen that way!

Today, my oldest son Collin, has lifeguarding class 12-5. DH and youngest son, Connor are tossing the idea of traveling to Dauphin Cty to go trout-fishing. I need to do serious birthday shopping for Collin.  He turns 17 tomorrow.  He doesn't ask for much usually throughout the year. He usually is happy with a new xbox game etc. He has mentioned a full keyboard cell. Oh and a motorcycle!! Heaven help me...I told him when he is 50 (I should not be around by then or atleast mentally aware!)!! He doesn't want clothing.  We need a new home computer but I don't think that should be his 'gift'.  The poor boy wants to get his Ipod up and running again.  The home puter is almost 10 and is not recognizing his Ipod anymore among other things.

The rest of the night will be getting ready for the work week-wash, food planning. Where do the weedends go?

Take care,

303/275/199.4/150    ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!      

(deactivated member)
on 4/5/09 11:38 am - Kirkwood, NY
Today me and hubby woke up and was being lazy for the most of the day because he got home this morning at 10 am from work and worked all night. So needless to say we were sleeping all afternoon laying in bed. We are so lazy!!! LOL. I have no idea how I am going to get out of this stage of not being lazy anymore and getting off my butt to do something. See we live in an apartment so we have no yard work to do or anything outside for that matter. Everything inside our apartment is kept clean all the time because we have a routine of what we do on certain days of the week and we are so used it that it does not take long to do the chores around this small apt we have. We end up having lots of free time to do nothing but sit around. We cannot afford to leave and go do anything because we are broke Anyways...we have to get rid of the cable next because we cannot afford to pay for it anymore. Our medical insurance went out on us so my hubby pays more for us now and his check got cut by like 18 more dollars a WEEK! Almost 3 weeks ago I told my husband to go cancel our medical insurance and he signed the papers and everything for it to get cancelled. Well needless to say right after he did that I went to check themail and I received my letter of approval for my surgery!!! I had no idea that I was going to get approved because it seemed like it was taking forever and that I would just wait a bit longer and do it someother time when we could get caught up on bills and things!!! I have no idea but he called and told the HR lady not to cancel because I got approved for my surgery! Woohooo right! I had no idea. I was like wow that was close because if she had ran it through we would of had to wait til December to get our benefits back. I am lucky and going to be going through this surgery in langhorne, pa and yes I am so nervous and scared. Just waiting on some dates. I have no idea who knows me or not knows me on this board. Well here is some information on what is going on with me. What is holding me up on getting a date is my sleep study doctor has to send a letter to my surgeon saying its okay that I do not need the CPAP machine after all. I guess they said I was going to have to go for my second study anyways to my surgeon when she called for results and when I went to get my results read to me the dr said I did nto have to go to the second one. So now I am waiting on him to send his results and letter on that he believes I am good to go and do not need the CPAP. Which is a good thing I am happy about that. I seen the dr april 1st. So who knows hopefully he will have things faxed for me tomorrow and then my surgeon can sign off on my file and get me into scheduling. I am so nervous though!!!
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