OT - TERRIFED to sleep
They all involve some sort of personal trauma. Driving off of cliffs....being in a plane that crashes...a house fire....a burglary....being stabbed on the street....getting my butt kicked at work to the point I become a patient....
This is totally unlike me. I have trouble sleeping due to my shift work at times. But the problem isn't being able to sleep. The problem is not getting woken up by my own subconscious killing me.
Brian seems to think I am seriously concerned about something. What that is, I have no idea. And I have really thought about everything. I know we've had a lot of family issues lately...and maybe it's just me processing all that. Brian said to me "What are you afraid of that is coming out in your dreams" and I said "well apparantly, dying!" He seems to think that it is a "metaphor" of types and that the death/pain/dismemberment whatever you want to call it that is happening in the dream is really something else.
Anybody have any experience with dreams and what they mean? What should I be working through? I'm seriously considering getting a prescription sleep aid - but again - the problem isn't sleeping. It's dreaming.
So...between the last two posts....I sound totally out of whack. I promise, I'm better than I sound!

IF I lay in bed and think about what is bothering me I have the nightmares.
I hope that this resolves soon so you can get a good nights sleep! Maybe try taking a couple tylenol PM before bed tonight and see if it helps! It might knock you out so you can get a restful sleep
Didn't eat anything to close to bedtime any of the nights. Thursday during the DAY we watched "A Haunting" on discovery channel. In that one there happened to be a story about a plane crash and I don't do well with scary things which is what a haunting (to me) is. So perhaps it played a part in it.
Today the only thing we really watched was Bolt, the Disney movie, so I think that was ok?!
No dreams as of tonight - I have been "up and down" but basically because I was concerned I would sleep through the alarm to call and check in at work to see if I needed to come in at 3am. (I don't, by the way :)
so....I'll finish up here and then crawl back into my bed.

However I happen to own the most timid cat on the face of the planet (he "ducks" from snowflakes when he watches them from INSIDE the house) And he went under the bed and into the closet tonight on his own accord.
Therefore, it must be safe!

No seriously, I never had trouble with nightmares before, so I don't really know. I hear things about eating food, or drinking things before bed. But I don't know if that truly attributes to it or not. I hope it's just a quick phase. Not being able to sleep is not a good thing at all. And being afraid of it is worse.
I hope you figure out a way to sleep!
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
Thanks, Jo

Starting at about 6 years old I had the same re-occurring dream that always began the same way. At the beginning of the dream I was walking up the basement stairs, of my parents home, when I was yanked back by something that grabbed my leg. The dream that followed was terrifying. One day I decided that if I ever had that dream again as soon as something grabbed me by the leg I would kick it and keep kicking. The next time I had the dream I did just that. I awoke still kicking my legs in bed. I never had the dream again, but there after I was always aware that I was dreaming while I was asleep. If I don't like where a dream is going , I rewrite the script. I decide, while asleep, to change my dreams and I for the most part do. Tell yourself tonight that if you are in a bad dream you are going to change the script see if it works. My understanding from the article I read is that anyone, with practice, can learn to do this.
I will certainly give the whole controlling my dreams a try especially if it doesn't get any better! Just hope the husband isn't the one who ends up being kicked as I'm being grabbed going up the stairs

It is only my opinion but I think your dreams are driven by anxiety, driven by stress, lack of sleep and lack of relaxation time. I am in now way judging you. But you posted and asked and this is what I think. I am a worker too I know I work alot and i can say without a shadow of a doubt it is affecting me. So I am making some changes.
I love ya lots.