Kinda OT
On the bottom of the posts there is a checkbox that I have permamently checked which says "notify me when somebody responds to this topic"
For the past, oh, I don't know, 3-4 days definately, maybe longer, I have not received any notification of responses to the posts I start and/or respond to.
At first I thought it was my computer acting funny - but now I'm at my parents house, started roll call at work in jersey, and even though there were about 7 responses by the time I got to my parents house - my email inbox contained nada.
I use yahoo
Any ideas? Just me?
For the past, oh, I don't know, 3-4 days definately, maybe longer, I have not received any notification of responses to the posts I start and/or respond to.
At first I thought it was my computer acting funny - but now I'm at my parents house, started roll call at work in jersey, and even though there were about 7 responses by the time I got to my parents house - my email inbox contained nada.
I use yahoo
Any ideas? Just me?
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

mine went through a phase where it would send a notification to my OH box - at the top of the screen where it says you have un-read messages, in there there was a spot called "notifications" they were there but never in my inbox - it did resolve itself in a day or so though.
Hope yours does too! If not send OH and e-mail!
Hope yours does too! If not send OH and e-mail!