***Monday Morning Roll Call***
The storm was not too bad here in Chalfont. Just a lot of rain and some little hail. No big deal at all. I am glad to hear noone had any serious damage.
I am home today with my 7 year old daughter. She has a fever and a sore throat. I swear this winter has been one thing after another with my kids. I am glad that I don't have a job right now because I would have missed so much time staying home with the kids. I am just ready for spring and for the sickness to go away!
I have laundry to catch up on and just taking my daughter to the doctor is all I have planned. I was going to go to the gym but won't be able to now. I will do some lifting today and maybe some WII boxing, that is a good workout.
I hope you all have a good day today. I have my two week check up on Thursday and I can't wait to go onto the pureed phase of things.

I am home sick today it has been spreading through our team, head cold, sore throat, ears hurt. It is now heading to my chest which normally happens and I end up with bronchitis so i am heading to the DR. I hate being sick, I hate using my time off which is so precious for being ill.
I am sure jason will get sick next because this seems to be a super bug no one gets by unscathed
SO what if it's 6:00 pm and I am just now posting roll call. LOL! I got stuck driving in that nasty storm. I ended up pulling under a bridge because I had such a headache from the hail hitting the roof and from squinting to see through the buckets of rain. What a nightmare.. We stayed under the bridge until it slowed down and then drove the rest of the way home and ran from the car to the house in just rain.
Today I did a lot.. worked 7-11, then signed my lease for my apartment!! WOOHOO! Then, I went to a bunch of different stores looking for something to put my big utensils in--you know, spatula, ladle, that kind of stuff. The I had is too big for the limited counter space I have in the apartment. I went to the mall and did some real walking, too. Then, I met my daughter at her girls on the run program and walked the laps with them.. so I'm not sure how far I walked at the mall, but it was like 20 mins or so and then I did about a mile at girls on the run!!!even jogged parts of that mile.. small parts, but parts no less. YAY!!!
The scale is still not moving, though. I'm trying not to get frustrated, but I haven't lost ANYTHING since 17 days after surgery and now it is like 3 weeks later. somethings gotta give.
Now, I am making buffalo turkey meatballs for dinner and going to talk to DH about the move and what I need from him. That oughta be fun.
The scale will move, hang tight. I know you were advanced to foods pretty quickly - are you eating carbs? If so, cut them out.
I hope your talk w/ the soon to be ex went well.