***Monday Morning Roll Call***
On the way home I'm stopping and picking up some fruit and cheese for work tonight. We are having a cheese/finger food "buffet" tonight so that should be fun!
Then it will be home to put away the laundry I did yesterday and dry the clothes that are in the washer as we speak.
Goal for bed time is 10am. We shall see. I will probably end up sitting down to watch "just a minute or two of Rachel Ray" and end up watching the whole thing. I have a DVR so there's no excuse for it, but still....I'm stupid like that.
Have a GREAT day all!

so maybe the next cooking classs with have a spring theme hehehe
♥♥♥ george♥♥♥
We made it through the storm alright but alot of damage in neighboring towns. But haven't heard of anything too bad so that is good.
After a very laid back day yesterday, it's back to work this week. It's my last week to work at the other office with my Doc before the baby comes. My boss thinks it's best I stay at the one location after this week. We have extra coverage at that location and I am closer to the hospital too. Just in case he decides to come during work hours. So I am kinda bummed about that. I LOVE that doc and love the other girls at that office. But oh well.
Today has me at work till 3:30. (maybe leave a few minutes early) and then I have to run to the hospital for my Monday NST. I go every monday after work and every thursday before work. After that, I think we are running into town to exchange some jeans I got Johnny that do not fit. And maybe I will try a "splendarita" at Rita's since it's right by the store. I have NEVER eaten at Rita's because when they first opened a few years ago, nothing was sugar-free but apparently they have a few things to pick from now so I want to try it.
Then home for steaks on the grill and getting cozy for bed!
Hope everyone has a great day!
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
The custard, however, does not come in a sf version that I am aware of. They have ff custard.
Mary Ivins posted last year that she gets a sf ice and then brings it home and layers it with frozen sf cool whip for a gellatti (that is their ice and custard treat) treat - and it's REALLY good that way!
My favs are the sf root beer and sf tangerine

I am in a funky mood today but it is Monday so I guess that is expected! lol
After work I am headed home, my Grandparents are stopping to drop a few things off that she picked up for me at BJ's maybe they'll stay for dinner and we can order delivery. Nothing too exciting!
I too have laundry to put away that I did yesterday.
Here's to the start of a good week
Thanks again for all the support and good wishes.
I am sitting here drinking coffee so now I know for sure I am feeling much better. There is very little discomfort in the chest area and the thighs feel like a bruise - no biggie. I've been off the pain meds for a day now - I hate taking anything other than Tylenol. The nausea is much, much less, and when I can stop the antibiotics I'm sure my tummy/pouch will be back to normal.
At 11 I will be visiting the surgeon, and later in the day head to Chestnut Hill College to teach. I have to figure out a way to make the girls look as normal as possible because I don't want to share my boob job with my students. I save all that intimacy stuff for you guys.
Have a great day.