It's Official.....
Hi everyone - well, it's official - I have Sleep Apnea. My sleep study center just called and said :
Just to confirm, we will need you to come back tonight for your C-pap study, you DO have Sleep Apnea.
Looks like I'll be sleeping with the C-pap machine for 200 hours before I can have surgery.
(not really upset, I figured this would happen...)
Just to confirm, we will need you to come back tonight for your C-pap study, you DO have Sleep Apnea.
Looks like I'll be sleeping with the C-pap machine for 200 hours before I can have surgery.

You're going to be fine - its not the greatest news in the world or the easiest thing to get used to at night, but just remember that after your surgery and some good weight loss you can kiss that CPAP and apnea good-bye forever! The company I got mine from delivered it right to me at the house and showed me how to use it, etc. Hopefully yours will as well.