dr marymor
HELP, someone...does anyone know where Dr Marymor went??? looking for him.....he was at Langhorne Barix Clinic and was leaving......please let me know if you know where he is, PLEASE!! [email protected]
I know a lot of people have been talking about this. Just as an FYI once a doctor leaves one facility it takes quite some time (6mos + a lot of the time) before they resurface. Also, depending on the contract, there may have been stipulations such as once they leave the one practice they are not able to practice within x amount of miles from that facility - so you may have to travel to see him.
If you are a Barix patient, they will set you up with one of the other docs, especially if you need something now. I believe most of the Marymor patients are seeing Dr. Boe at Barix now. Being the biased person I am, I would ask to see if Pupkova would take you. I have absolutely NOTHING against Dr. Boe and have met him and was VERY impressed with him and his people skills along with surgical skills - but I have to throw a shout out to my surgeon the wonderful Pupkova ;-)
If you are a Barix patient, they will set you up with one of the other docs, especially if you need something now. I believe most of the Marymor patients are seeing Dr. Boe at Barix now. Being the biased person I am, I would ask to see if Pupkova would take you. I have absolutely NOTHING against Dr. Boe and have met him and was VERY impressed with him and his people skills along with surgical skills - but I have to throw a shout out to my surgeon the wonderful Pupkova ;-)
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Don't know where he is but I do know he's not at Crozer - I go to their support group meetings and have talked to their 'leader' and she said he is not going to them...I wonder if he knows how many people are searching for him!
I love Barix - its a shame they couldn't provide more information...guess they have their reasons.
I love Barix - its a shame they couldn't provide more information...guess they have their reasons.
I am one of his old patients and hope he resurfaces not far from here by my 3 year check-up in August. If an emergency were to occur, I would probably go with Dr. Pupkova if she saw me because I met her once at a support group meeting at Barix and was impressed with her willingness to attend those meetings at that time.
I just am so sad he is not at Barix anymore because he helped me several times since my surgery with ulcer pains and my hernia surgery. I am loyal to him.
I just am so sad he is not at Barix anymore because he helped me several times since my surgery with ulcer pains and my hernia surgery. I am loyal to him.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer