I am craving spicy
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
Did your surgeon or nutritionist give you a food plan to follow? There should be sample recipes in there. The rule of thumb for me when I was that early out was still liquids - yep, 21 days of liquids then pureeds. I ventured out and ate some pumpkin pudding a few days before the "full liquids" ended (whi*****luded pudding, jello, etc) and I was in agonizing pain for hours.
I don't mean to sound harsh here but you made this life altering decision to have major surgery to re-route your guts- our job is to follow the rules. I have read (and responded to) your posts over the last few days, and hun I'm worried for you! I WANT to see you succeed and KNOW that you can do it! WE have ALL been there and know what you are going through - at this stage in the game you have lost your best friend, food. You stomach isn't hungry - those nerves were severed during surgery and will take up to 6+ months to heal - therefore the "hungry" and full sensations aren't being transmitted to your brain. You are having head hunger not your body telling you that you are hungry. You have to take control and meausre/weigh EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth. MAke sure you are getting in your protein, vitamins and fluids!! They are all integral to your weight loss successing.
I wish you the strength to get through this!!
PS - we are here for whatever you need.
I just can't imagine not knowing what to eat this soon out. Thanks for adding on to what I stated.
After the episode with the Chili the other day and your question today, I strongly suggest you call your surgeons office on Monday. You need food guidance or you are going to damage yourself. And I am sure they have all intentions of making sure their patients know what the plan is to be with post-op, so if you are unclear, they are there to clarify.
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
Listen to JoJo and Liz. They know and are trying to help you in the most caring of ways. Your thoughts of eating are only thoughts and you need new thoughts. Unfoodlike thoughts. Step away from that drug of choice and focus for one day to eat what you should. Boring, bland purees measured, consumed and then move on to some activity that does not have you fantasizing about the freakin food. Stop watching television, the food commercials will sabotage you. Stop hanging in the kitchen, the old experience will just drive you to defeat. Understand what's been stated. You had a major surgery and your healing is the most important concentration you should have, not satisfying what you think is a craving. This phase is difficult and yes it may even be torturous, but it is necessary and it will not last forever. What you're going through now it not your new life. It is the beginning of your new life. A beginning that will improve with every passing day if you allow it. If you allow it you will get beyond this day and all that follow to achieve weight loss. That is why you're doing this. To defeat obesity and lengthen your life. Whats more important to you? Your health or your chicken wings? A $10.00 pizza or a $30,000.00 surgery? You decide... but guess what, you decided already. You chose surgery and now it is your obligation to make it work. You are not the first patient to have the feelings you have and you won't be the last. These feelings, these cravings are little demons that are just waiting for you to give in. You don't have to give in. You don't have to be defeated. You don't have to give up. You can choose to attack this one hour, one meal at a time. With every hour of strength you will achieve an hour of success and you'll be on your way. No looking back, no looking for the crutch that has been food. It's a crutch that has not helped you. It is not your friend. It will not support you. It will not love you. It will not take care of you. It will only disappoint you and leave you wanting more. It is your drug. Lose it. Don't abuse it. Instead use it for what is it's only worth. To nourish you, not hold you hostage.
I am a food addict and you may be one too. I am a recovering food addict with the help of RNY, good care and the highest level of support. It will be 4 years for me this April 18th. I was fortunate enough to find answers and solutions to stop being controlled by food. I don't want food to control you anymore. Listen, learn, cry, and then get ready to live. Live like you've never lived before. You can get there. I can tell you once you do get there you will have no regrets.
HOWEVER....on pureed you can take things like beef soup, hamburger, meatballs etc and puree them up with some beef broth. I know it sounds gross, but it does help change the taste of stuff from all the sweet puddings and yogurts you are probably choking down to have something "savory"
I used sweedish meatballs (ground beef and pork meatballs simmered in a low fat brown gravy) on the pureed stage and LOVED it. It looked gross, but it tasted good :) I also did hamburger meat pureed with some sf spaghetti sauce.
Speaking of which - on pureed food you might be able to have ricotta cheese. If this is allowed by your surgeon - heat some up with some spaghetti sauce, garlic powder in the microwave and eat it like a noodless lasagna. Again, it helps with the taste variation.
Splenda and cinnamon ricotta cheese tastes like rice pudding - I know it sounds weird, but I"m telling you it is sooooo good!

First off, YOU are not craving salt. YOUR BODY is going through WITHDRAWAL and your MIND (your mind's pleasure center) is craving the salty foods you used to eat. Your body is probably hanging onto water as well in answer to your mind's craving I'd bet. If you give it salt, it will be satisfied. If you do not, it will eventually (maybe not today, maybe tomorrow instead) give in and you will see a couple pound drop on the scale in response to your taking control. It is literally a fight the first 2 to 3 months over who wins....the body or the mind. This is how it will be....you might even gain a couple pounds for no apparent reason, just before you drop 5. You will stall around week 5-7. It is your body fighting your mind. Around month 3 or 4 your hair will start to thin....I know its from anesthesia and nutrition but it feels like its your body finally getting the message and giving up....hahahaha. This is when the fun starts and the pounds pour off. It's a wild ride. Gather all the knowledge and go to as many support groups as you can because that's where the people in the "know" go. They'll teach you how to cope, how to cook, how to poop when you can't; how to live this lifestyle without fretting.
FYI, the stomach juices were cut off when your RNY was done. Therefore, we can eat spicy food and not feel the fire, that is why some folks can get ulcers and not realize until they are very painful or have done some damage. When spicy is needed, add a pinch of taco seasoning to your food or hot sauce. Both are legal and will give that zing. But be careful. You are healing for up to 6 mos. post surgery.
Jackie J.
1 choice @ a time > 1 day @ a time. Slow to Succeed is still Success ;-)
Yes Dennis i am a food addict i have been to OA, WW, oh i can go on food is def. my drug of choice any day. It is the worst feeling but i am the only one who can overcome this and i know it. No one else can save me i have to take charge but god damn this **** is sooooo hard. I cry and cry for food. LIke what is that? crying over food never thought a day would come that I would cry over food., its just food but yup I'm a major food addict and i need help! I cant thank everyone enough for all the help your giving me, I am not looking for sympathy by any means or and consoling. I need to hear what i need to hear. I'm not a baby i know whats right and wrong but damn never thought i wouldn't have control over something "food"