10 days since plastic surgery..
hi everyone.... It has been 10 days since I had my corset abdomiplasty. I have to say I am feeling pretty good. I still take pain pills in the morning and evening but other than that I don't usually take any other ones. Dr. Moya removed 9 pounds of extra skin from me. I weighed 156 the morning of my surgery and then had the 9 pounds of skin removed. I do have some swelling but it isn't to bad. I was back on Thursday for my 1 week check up and everything was going very well. At that visit I was given my body suit to wear. It is taking some getting used to. I look in the mirror and I still fat. I am having a hard time adjusting to what I look like now. I just keep thinking he said it will be between 1 to 3 months for the swelling to go away. It was not as painful as I thought it would be. They removed the drain the next morning before I came home. I will get some pictures taken and maybe post them on here. I am still very self consicious about what I look like.
Glad to hear you are doing well. I am hoping to have an abdominoplasty this fall/winter. So I appreciate hearing about those who have or are going through it. I am sure it will take time to completely heal but the results should be well worth it.
Good luck!
Good luck!
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
Congrats on your surgery! I am one day out from having my arms and breasts done and just like you, I am surprised at how little pain there is. I gained about 14 pounds from the saline drip, but that will come off....as far as how much weight in skin he took off my arms, I can't imagine it was more than a couple pounds...but I will ask him at my follow up visit. Of course, what ever he took off my arms was replaced in weight with the implants. I have no appetite what so ever and have to make myself eat and drink. I have a lot of swelling in the shoulders and lower arms and hands/finger. I am not sure how long it will take to go down...i will have to ask him if it will take months or if it will be more immediate.
It takes time to adjust to our new bodies. I don't know if I will ever see myself accurately. Some days I look and I like what I see...then I can look in the same mirror the next day and see someone twice the size as what i saw the day before.
I am glad you are doing well!!
It takes time to adjust to our new bodies. I don't know if I will ever see myself accurately. Some days I look and I like what I see...then I can look in the same mirror the next day and see someone twice the size as what i saw the day before.
I am glad you are doing well!!
Thanks for the update and how you are healiing! I hope it continues to go well and do hope we get to see pics - but understand about the body images you are going through.
Congrats on being able to take this step!
Congrats on being able to take this step!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.