Well last night I took over my letter that I am leaving and I am now free (don't worry it was professional found some great examples online for medical reason for quiting a job)... but the jerk comes in at 9... so he should see it then... but I am free of the devil... free of the lies and rumors that the hags have started, I am free to displine Lorelei like I need to without them interfering...
Right now the hags are there I am sure wondering where I am... but I am home free sitting on the couch eating a breakfast pizza (only half of it- and it low fat yumminess) and Lore is eating reduced sugar froot loops out of the box lol as we watch Good Morning America... Rocco is making a warm chicken salad and a mess on the show lol... and later today I am going to meet a friend at a new Target store and I am going to register for the few baby items that we need to get... tired of my mom asking me what we need... don't know what to do yet for the stoller and car seat yet... need a new car seat.. but if it is a girl don't need a new stroller... if it is a boy... we need both... but we need all new bottles etc... I figured that Lorelei would like this... she wants to shop for the baby really bad... so this is mock shopping...
But, I am off to find some pants... having issues with pants that fit now... I might take a clothed tummy shot later lol... and don't forget that at 5pm today I have a job interview... prayers would be great!!
Right now the hags are there I am sure wondering where I am... but I am home free sitting on the couch eating a breakfast pizza (only half of it- and it low fat yumminess) and Lore is eating reduced sugar froot loops out of the box lol as we watch Good Morning America... Rocco is making a warm chicken salad and a mess on the show lol... and later today I am going to meet a friend at a new Target store and I am going to register for the few baby items that we need to get... tired of my mom asking me what we need... don't know what to do yet for the stoller and car seat yet... need a new car seat.. but if it is a girl don't need a new stroller... if it is a boy... we need both... but we need all new bottles etc... I figured that Lorelei would like this... she wants to shop for the baby really bad... so this is mock shopping...
But, I am off to find some pants... having issues with pants that fit now... I might take a clothed tummy shot later lol... and don't forget that at 5pm today I have a job interview... prayers would be great!!