I ate to much
SO here is one of prob many post's from me, btw thanks for all the wondering if i was ok. I am ok, and will continue to try but i am a little overwhelmed right now. I took my daughter to the dr's and by the time i went to pick her medicine up i thought(think) that i was starving. I didnt eat anyhting since 1 and it was now 6. So bella fell asleep in the car and one of the best guys rick gave me a call this morning to see how i was doing. He told me about wendys chili so i decided while she was sleeping i would go get some. Came home blah blah the thing im getting at is that i pureed it but i filled my cereal bowl up and sat down and ate the whole thing. Waaaay more than 1/2 cup i was starving i thought. I still thought i could eat more but i was like no way that is way more than i should anyway so i stopped after the bowl. I feel ok i was able to handle it but i am really concerned because i cant be doing this. I just gobbled it up so fast and didnt even take in that i have this new belly. See i think i am sabatoging myself. Well i will stop here and maybe get some advice but i know what to do i just need to do it, these things are the reason i think i will fail at this i cant even keep myself strict on damn purees

Hang in there - from everything I hear and read on the boards its going to get better. Its only been 9 days for me and I've already decided I hate chicken broth and never want to see it again. [up until last week i liked it fine]. I can probably live without jello too.
I also hear that we go through a lot of hormonal changes due to surgery. Makes us feel like we are on a rollercoaster. Used to be the week before my period, I always felt starving and when my period came I wasn't particularly hungry - I think that was the hormones.
You have to take things a day at a time. Are you doing liquids every hour? Sometimes that takes the edge off. You are probably eating faster than your brain can signal to you that you are full. In the past I have made deals with myself whereby I agree to stop after an appropriate amount for 20-30 minutes and I tell myself I can eat more if I want to at the end of that 1/2 hour. Well sometimes I wanted more 30 minutes later and I allowed myself to eat it but most times, I managed to either 1) realize I'm full or 2) distract myself..
You have gone through a lot [most all of us have] to get to the place where you are, I was once told - and I found it helpful - that if we are not insane, we do things for a reason. Is something eating you ? If you can discover that, then you can deal with that issue instead of trying to work it out through food.
I started counseling with a therapist familiar with compulsive eating issues and I have found it a lifesaver. For years I thought I had to change myself and especially lose weight to feel good about myself - but I know now I've had it wrong - I didn't have to change me, I needed to change how I think about me. I'm working on coming to a place where I feel I truly deserve a healthful life. I working on figuring out that eating isn't the only coping strategy there is.
I can't drive yet - but I could use a walking buddy after I get back to work - p.m. me if you are interested.
Hang in there - from everything I hear and read on the boards its going to get better. Its only been 9 days for me and I've already decided I hate chicken broth and never want to see it again. [up until last week i liked it fine]. I can probably live without jello too.
I also hear that we go through a lot of hormonal changes due to surgery. Makes us feel like we are on a rollercoaster. Used to be the week before my period, I always felt starving and when my period came I wasn't particularly hungry - I think that was the hormones.
You have to take things a day at a time. Are you doing liquids every hour? Sometimes that takes the edge off. You are probably eating faster than your brain can signal to you that you are full. In the past I have made deals with myself whereby I agree to stop after an appropriate amount for 20-30 minutes and I tell myself I can eat more if I want to at the end of that 1/2 hour. Well sometimes I wanted more 30 minutes later and I allowed myself to eat it but most times, I managed to either 1) realize I'm full or 2) distract myself..
You have gone through a lot [most all of us have] to get to the place where you are, I was once told - and I found it helpful - that if we are not insane, we do things for a reason. Is something eating you ? If you can discover that, then you can deal with that issue instead of trying to work it out through food.
I started counseling with a therapist familiar with compulsive eating issues and I have found it a lifesaver. For years I thought I had to change myself and especially lose weight to feel good about myself - but I know now I've had it wrong - I didn't have to change me, I needed to change how I think about me. I'm working on coming to a place where I feel I truly deserve a healthful life. I working on figuring out that eating isn't the only coping strategy there is.
I can't drive yet - but I could use a walking buddy after I get back to work - p.m. me if you are interested.
You are not alone. WE have all done it. It's so hard to adjust a lifetime of habits. I am over 4 years out and I STILL have days when I eat too much at a sitting. I am pre-occupied, or not paying attention or feel so hungry I don't think.
It happens. We are human. Just try really hard to be concious of it. And don't beat yourself up when you goof up. Just learn from it and next meal do better. It will be ok.
It takes time to adjust to your new stomach, your new life, and your new habits.
It happens. We are human. Just try really hard to be concious of it. And don't beat yourself up when you goof up. Just learn from it and next meal do better. It will be ok.
It takes time to adjust to your new stomach, your new life, and your new habits.
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
Dear Jessica,
I read this post and for almost an hour now I have gone back and forth over what if anything i should reply. I just couldnt let this go by without saying something , even if you dont like it.
I was at the mtg last nite and listened to your story you shared. I truly am empathetic and feel greatly for your situation . You recieved alot of support, and people who have and will reach out and be there for you. Alot of all that support network will be completely positive and encouraging.
I want to preface all of this by saying , I wish you nothing but sucess and good luck . However I cant read and listen to all this w/o giving you some tough love. Im not gonna hold your hand and blow sunshine up your butt.....
You need to take ownership of this great opportunity youve been given with this tool of weight loss surgery. If you continue to push the limits here you are flirting with disaster. I speak not of a disaster regarding your weight loss sucess but rather your life. If you continue to just do whatever you could seriously hurt yourself and potentialy fatally. Your new pouch is like that of an infant , at 9 days post op. Would you feel a baby all the fast food chili from Wendys? You need to weigh and measure EVERYTHING at this stage. The time , stress of the day and whatever lifes obstacles are , cannot be excuses to do otherwise.
If you are unsure of what you should eat or not eat, please ask someone here who could maybe help you who has been down this road. Inform yourself, read what you can get your hands on about this life change you have made.
Your sucess or failure here with this journey , begins and ends with YOU. All the friends and support network in the world can do nothing if you arent willing to commit to your part. I cant do it for you and neither can any of these other wonderful people. We are all willing to be there for you, but unless and until you reconcile yourself to doing whatever it takes to make this work , its out of our control.
Dont sabotage yourself, make the committment to follow the rules like your life depends upon it , because it does.
I read this post and for almost an hour now I have gone back and forth over what if anything i should reply. I just couldnt let this go by without saying something , even if you dont like it.
I was at the mtg last nite and listened to your story you shared. I truly am empathetic and feel greatly for your situation . You recieved alot of support, and people who have and will reach out and be there for you. Alot of all that support network will be completely positive and encouraging.
I want to preface all of this by saying , I wish you nothing but sucess and good luck . However I cant read and listen to all this w/o giving you some tough love. Im not gonna hold your hand and blow sunshine up your butt.....
You need to take ownership of this great opportunity youve been given with this tool of weight loss surgery. If you continue to push the limits here you are flirting with disaster. I speak not of a disaster regarding your weight loss sucess but rather your life. If you continue to just do whatever you could seriously hurt yourself and potentialy fatally. Your new pouch is like that of an infant , at 9 days post op. Would you feel a baby all the fast food chili from Wendys? You need to weigh and measure EVERYTHING at this stage. The time , stress of the day and whatever lifes obstacles are , cannot be excuses to do otherwise.
If you are unsure of what you should eat or not eat, please ask someone here who could maybe help you who has been down this road. Inform yourself, read what you can get your hands on about this life change you have made.
Your sucess or failure here with this journey , begins and ends with YOU. All the friends and support network in the world can do nothing if you arent willing to commit to your part. I cant do it for you and neither can any of these other wonderful people. We are all willing to be there for you, but unless and until you reconcile yourself to doing whatever it takes to make this work , its out of our control.
Dont sabotage yourself, make the committment to follow the rules like your life depends upon it , because it does.
Hello Jessica-
I was not at Wednesday meeting, and I have not had the opportunity to meet you yet, but I must echo the wonderful advice Patrick gave you.
We are all human, and we all make mistakes, but your goal right now is ABSOLUTE COMPLIANCE with your dietary plan.
Measure everything you put in your mouth. Write down everything you put in your mouth. Establish a fitness routine.
Is it overwhelming? Yes it is. But it's also an exciting opportunity for you to take control of your life and build a strong foundation for a healthier relationship with food in the long run.
I, along with everybody here, will support you and want you to succeed.
Now is your time to shine, but nobody can make you do the right thing but you.
I was not at Wednesday meeting, and I have not had the opportunity to meet you yet, but I must echo the wonderful advice Patrick gave you.
We are all human, and we all make mistakes, but your goal right now is ABSOLUTE COMPLIANCE with your dietary plan.
Measure everything you put in your mouth. Write down everything you put in your mouth. Establish a fitness routine.
Is it overwhelming? Yes it is. But it's also an exciting opportunity for you to take control of your life and build a strong foundation for a healthier relationship with food in the long run.
I, along with everybody here, will support you and want you to succeed.
Now is your time to shine, but nobody can make you do the right thing but you.
Hi...my advice is to learn from this & be prepared everytime you step out the door! Even if you think you are only running to the store & will be back in 10 min...take a few items in a little lunch cooler (throw in a frozen ice pack) & take it with you like you carry your pocketbook. Take a yogurt & cottage cheese, or some pureed tuna salad. I make a can of tuna & split it into 3 containers--all 2 oz each...so they are ready to eat at any time. If you make this a part of your routine...you will never be without something to eat if you are out longer than you plan to be...best of luck to you & take it all 1 day at a time...Diane